Clips of Datu Dieter Knuettel and Modern Arnis in Russia


Brown Belt
Founding Member
Oct 12, 2001
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Hello all,

from the 2nd through to the 8th of Feb. 2007 there was the first Russian Modern Anris Camp which was a WBMA event.
GM Rene Tongson, SM Samuel "Bambit" Dulay from the IMAFP, and myself Datu Dieter Knüttel with a student of mine, Peter Rutkowski, Lakan Apat from the DAV, were the instructors.
This Camp was organized by Alexander Pisarkin from the Regional Arnis Federation, Russia (RAF).

From my second trip to Russia in March 2006, I have uploaded some scenes to YouTube, that were in the russian TV.
I hope you like them.

YouTube - Datu Dieter Knüttel - Modern Arnis in russian TV - Part 1
YouTube - Datu Dieter Knüttel - Modern Arnis in russian TV - Part 2
YouTube - Datu Dieter Knüttel - Modern Arnis in russian TV - Part 3

I will post a short review of this camp soon.


Datu Dieter Knüttel
Thats just awesome! Good stuff Datu Dieter! :) :)
For my 3rd trip to Russia I was invited to teach at the first Modern Arnis Camp to be held in Ekatarinburg. My first 2 trips to Russia were weekend seminars (2005 and 2006) but this time there should be more training.

After Alexander Pisarkin had attended the 2005 Modern Arnis summercamp of the DAV and attended last year with 2 of his students in the Philippines the Modern Arnis Camp and the 3rd FMA Festival, he decided, to organize with his association "Regional Arnis Federation", RAF, a 7 day Modern Arnis training camp.. This was the first "Worldwide Brotherhood of Modern Arnis" (WBMA) event after the founding (according to my knowledge).

He invited Grandmaster (GM) Rene Tongson and Senior Master (SM) Samuel "Bambit" Dulay from the Philippines as well as me, SM and Datu Dieter Knüttel from the DAV, Germany as instructors for the camp. I was accompanied by my student, Peter Rutkowski, 4. Dan Modern Arnis.
Out of personal reasons, I could only participate the first 3 days of the camp, but GM Rene, SM Bambit and Peter stayed and taught the full 7 days.

Especially for the filipino masters, it must have been a special experience, to
arrive in Russia where a lot of snow had fallen the days before.
They were supplied with a lot of warm clothes, so they would not freeze outside.

Still they said: „We love the snow, but we rather stay inside“ J
But with -20° Celsius (- 8° Fahrenheid) and sometimes strong wind one could understand this. It WAS really cold, also for us.

At the weekend (Friday to Sunday), there were more than 40 participants, during the rest of the camp, (Monday through to Thrusday), 15 people took part in the training.

Some of the participants really traveled far to the camp. From Moscow for example, it took them a 29 hours train ride one way, to get there. But there were also participants from other cities and other FMA styles like Serrada, Doce Pares, Pekiti Tirsia and Kombatan

The camp took place in the Ural University of Ekatarinburg, where Alexander is also teaching. It was opened by the vice-rector of the University and there was a lot of interest for the camp. 2 TV stations were there at the opening, filmed the demonstrations and made interviews, that were broadcasted the same day.
A 3rd TV station was there during several days to make a longer reportage about the camp, like they did already when I was there the first 2 times.
Additionally, the radio and some print media were there too, to report about the camp. So the PR was excellent.

The training itself was very versatile. Sinawali, disarms, empty hand concepts, selfdefense, classical Arnis, knife, doublestick, Abanico Tres Puntas, Tapi-Tapi and a lot more was taught during the week. So a wide range of Modern Arnis and FMA was covered. The participants were excited about this.

Friday night was the evening of the gradings. 40 Modern Arnis practitioners were going for a new degree, ranging from white through to blue belt. (With white, yellow, green, blue and brown being the student levels there). Everybody passed and the level was very good. One could see the time and effort, they had put in the training the months before. So on the next morning, everybody was happy to receive their new certificate of rank.

The training was held from 10 am to 2 pm and from 4 pm to 7 pm
In the evening we went out to have dinner with Alexander and some of the students and different to some expectations, vodka was NOT consumed a lot. Not more or less than here in Germany either.

Sunday night, Alexander had a surprise for us. After the dinner he told us, we would go now to the forest. I have learned not to ask what is happening there, because whatever Alexander suggested or organized, it is always very good and a lot of fun. Same this time.
So we drove to a „Datscha“ a weekend „house“ at the outskirts of Ekatarinburg where we were supplied with warm shoes. Especillay GM Rene and SM Bambit got VERY warm jackets. We really looked funny, wrapped up in these VERY thick and large clothes. But it was necessary, because we walked about 20 minutes at –20 ° Celsius (-2 ° Fahrenheid) through the forest, to arrive at a campfire. There we met a musher. This guy had crossed Alaska and then went to Murmansk only with a dog sled. This were 6500 miles and it took him 8 months. He got 2 entries into the “Guiness book of records” for that.
So now the dogs (Huskies) were put in front of a sled, and we could ride a round track, lit with torches, on this dog sled.
At around 11 pm we returned to the campfire, where we got bred chicken, tea, warm wine and russian „magic water“ J
What a spectacular experience all together!

During the meeting with the rector of the Ural university, he was excited with the Modern Arnis activities of Alexander Pisarkin and the perspective, that Modern Arnis will spreat through Russia from his university. He said to Alexander, that he would officially support all of his Modern Arnis activities now.
He also told us that he had a large room at the university, that he did not know how to use up to now. But now he knows: This room will be turned into a Modern Arnis training center and he confirmed, that this will be finished by my next visit to Ekatarinburg! We were really excited by this official support of the University.

The next trip to Russia is planned at th 7th and 8th of December, where the Ural University of Ekatarinburg will celebrate its 40th anniversary. We were told, that GM Rene Tongson and myself would be invited as official guests of the Universtiy to participate at the anniversary ceremonies. After that, we will hold another Modern Arnis seminar.

These are all very positive developments for the propagation and spreading of Modern Arnis in Russia. There are already talks for a seminar in Moscow, but there is no date yet.

With Alexander Pisarkin, there is not only a very talented martial artist leading Modern Arnis in Russia. But he is also a very good teacher (one can see that when you look at his students) and an excellent organizer. We are lucky, that he is there to work for Modern Arnis in Russia.

I already look forward meeting him and his students again, when he will participate at the 10th Modern Arnis summercamp of the DAV in Germany at the 6th to the 12th of August 2007. And of course, I am glad to be back in Ekatarinburg in December 2007.

All together, this visit was again very impressive, especially through the cordial friendship and hospitality we were able to experience there. This also showed through many little things, that cannot all be mentioned here.

For me, these trips are so important, not only to spread Modern Arnis, but to reach an international understanding between different cultures, to make new friends and deepen existing friendships and to work against prejudices that some people and cultures may have of each other.
Also in this regards, the camp was a big success.

I can only say: Russia? I love to come back.

Dieter Knüttel
Datu and Senior Master Modern Arnis
Sounds great Dieter!

here is one more clip from russia.

YouTube - Datu Dieter Knüttel - Modern Arnis in russian TV - Part 4


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thank you for the clips
it looks and sounds like everyone had a great time
Those look great!

You must have some fantastic stories to tell after traveling with the professor. I've very envious (in an admiring way)!
Hello Datu Dieter,
We would like to say thank you , thank you GM Tongson , Master Bambit Dulay and Guro Peter Rutkowski for your great knowledge, your help and support in development of Modern Arnis in our country.We are very proud that we have organized important martial arts event with participation of the specialists so high level. All my students and practicioners from other Federations under the big impression. Our trainings was very interesting and exciting, now we have complete educational material, great knowledge of the Masters for the future develepment of Modern Arnis in Russia.
You are always welcome in our city.

Till soon in Summer camp in Germany

Alexander Pisarkin
Regional Arnis Federation (Ekaterinburg. Russia)
Hi Alexander,

Welcome to MartialTalk!

Datu Dieter, it is great that you are carrying the Professer's beloved art to new students in Russia!

Best regards,
