Climate change...just a money grab...


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The real agenda with "man made," global warming is simple theft...

Meeting such as these and their related agendas have long since lost any credibility with those interested in facts and science and uninterested in being fazed or intimidated by the politically correct globaloney crowd. The real agenda was expressed by a German official two years ago by Ottmar Edenhofer, a German economist who at the time was “co-chair of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Working Group III on Mitigation of Climate Change." Plainly and simply, he said:
... “climate policy is redistributing the world’s wealth” and that “it’s a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization.”
... Edenhofer claims “developed countries have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community” and so they must have their wealth expropriated and redistributed to the victims of their alleged crimes, the postage stamp countries of the world. He admits this “has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole.”

Read more: made global warming hysteria is a way to get money from gullible people... made global warming hysteria is a way to get money from gullible people...

Something new here? We all know that already. Those who believe it's a money grab are already convinced, those who don't believe it won't be convinced by a piece of crap news source like 'Newsbusters'. So you're wasting your time.
Just a few reasons... "climate gate 1 and 2," the faulty computer models, faulty measuring equipment, the left wing agenda, the money involved, attempts to destroy data, denying skeptics the ability to publish in scientific journals, the threats to get editors of scientific journals who allow skeptics to submit articles fired, hiding original data from skeptics to prevent their analyzing it, also I was told by elder that the Island of Tuvalu was being swamped by the ocean, looked it up, the old measuring equipment said it was, the new equipment said it wasn't and the fact that the Island inhabitants just want to leave because they have no way to deal with the Island's problems of no fresh water, their own garbage problem and that global warming gives them a way out...the list is quite extensive, and there is still this...

Meeting such as these and their related agendas have long since lost any credibility with those interested in facts and science and uninterested in being fazed or intimidated by the politically correct globaloney crowd. The real agenda was expressed by a German officialtwo years ago by Ottmar Edenhofer, a German economist who at the time was “co-chair of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Working Group III on Mitigation of Climate Change." Plainly and simply, he said:
... “climate policy is redistributing the world’s wealth” and that “it’s a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization.”
... Edenhofer claims “developed countries have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community” and so they must have their wealth expropriated and redistributed to the victims of their alleged crimes, the postage stamp countries of the world. He admits this “has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole.”
Just a few reasons... "climate gate 1 and 2," the faulty computer models, faulty measuring equipment, the left wing agenda, the money involved, attempts to destroy data, denying skeptics the ability to publish in scientific journals, the threats to get editors of scientific journals who allow skeptics to submit articles fired...the list is quite extensive

Well, that's a lot of reasons. I'm inclined to disagree with all of them. The ClimateGate stuff has been pretty well debunked, for example.
No it hasn't. The same guy who cleared Sandusky of child molestation at Penn state looked into their side of climate gate and as was pointed out, if they looked the other way while kids were being molested, what else would they be willing to do. The British investigation into "Climate gate," was also slip shod and meant to cover up the abuses by the scientists in charge of the I.P.C.C. data.

I was adding reasons while you responded, you may want to reread that post.

on the Penn state cover up...

A federal government inspector general has revealed prima facie proof that the so-called independent inquiries widely if implausibly described as clearing the ClimateGate principals of wrongdoing were, in fact, whitewashes. This has been confirmed to Senate offices. It will not be released to the public for some time because the investigation is ongoing.
Read more:

The key point is that the Penn State investigators never interviewed a principal who was able to confirm or deny a key charge against “Hockey Stick” lead author of “Hide the Decline” infamy Michael Mann. This individual has now been interviewed, and what he told federal investigators has indicted Mann and Penn State.
The inspector general’s report specifically reveals Penn State’s wagon-circlers to have been at best comically negligent/inept in allowing Mann to not answer the damning charge they were tasked with examining: did he delete or ask others to deleterecords? At worst, they were complicit in the cover-up.
Simply by interviewing Mann’s colleague Eugene Wahl, PSU would have exposed Mann’s “answer” for what it was (and wasn’t). Such an interview was obviously necessary for any inquiry. Penn State chose not to conduct it, for its own reasons. A federal inspector general has now conducted it. And the result is damning of both Mann and the parties that chose not to interview Wahl.
As background, Phil Jones in the United Kingdom asked Mann, now at Penn State, by email to delete records being sought under the UK’s Freedom of Information Act, and to get a colleague to do so as well:

Read more:
Yes, we should take Penn State's investigation into climate gate seriously...:lfao:

State Attorney General Linda Kelly is expected to announce today that former Penn State University President Graham Spanier has been charged in relation to the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal, according to sources close to the investigation.
The sources, who requested anonymity, said Mr. Spanier is charged with perjury and obstruction of justice.
The longtime Penn State president was forced to resign in the wake of charges being filed against Sandusky a year ago and has been long identified as a target in an investigation of a possible coverup by university administrators.
Mr. Spanier also presided over the “investigation” that supposedly exoneratedfantasy Nobelist Michael Mann — and thereby led to his suit against us. Aside from the generally risible nature of the investigation, it relied on his fake Nobel Prize for its central argument — that Dr. Mann’s eminence speaks for itself:

Yeah, this guy investigated "climate gate,"...

UPPERDATE: Disgraced Penn State prez Spanier faces up to 39 years in jail.]

The cover up of child abuse and then investigating climate gate...hmmmm...I'm sure if he covered up child rape he wouldn't think of covering up "climate gate."
Wikipedia has a different take on it:
Eight committees investigated the allegations and published reports, finding no evidence of fraud or scientific misconduct.[SUP][/SUP] However, the reports called on the scientists to avoid any such allegations in the future by taking steps to regain public confidence in their work, for example by opening up access to their supporting data, processing methods and software, and by promptly honouring freedom of information requests.[SUP][/SUP] The scientific consensus that global warming is occurring as a result of human activity remained unchanged at the end of the investigations.

There was smoke, but no fire.

Is there no man-caused global warming? The Industrial Revolution, modern farming--all that has had no effect whatsoever on the climate?
Honestly, you'd think climate change is holy writ. Any challenge to it is met with screams of "Heresy!"
No, climate change has been proven by scientist. Any challenge to its merits are met with sighs of "more anti-science ignorance."

It amazes me that all this copy and paste links describe climate change as a hoax designed to bilk others out of money, but you never look at the source of most of the information you are spreading. These talking points you keep hammering on have been brought to being by lobbyist and PR firms of big oil. Now I wonder why big oil would want to spread misinformation about the validity of global climate change?
That the climate is changing is a fact, what's under discussion is whether it's natural, man made or a mixture of both. If it's man made or we are making things worse we need to work out what to do to alleviate the situation. Whatever the cause we do need to be looking for ways to help those affected by it, ie those who will lose their homes due to the sea levels rising etc.
One thing naturalists here have noticed is that spring comes earlier now and this is endangering some species of wildlife.

I've looked up a good many scientific sites on climate change, some say it's not man made some say it is, what is not in doubt is that the climate is changing. It may be part of the continual change the climate goes through or it could be totally made made. It could be neither of these exactly but a natural change speeded up by man made pollutants. However to say there's no climate change at all is just sticking your head in the ground.
Never said that the climate doesn't change, but I have posted about man made global warming as a scam. Look at my previous posts and you'll see that where I live there used to be mile high glaciers. Global cooling is more of a threat anyway.

All I can say is that once statements like this start to emerge and there are still those who would rather not try to do anything to fix the problem ...

... well, at least we've named a geological era after ourselves now so the future re-evolved intelligent species will have something to call our remains.
I think anyone with an ounce of sense can see that what we put into the air is bound to effect us and the planet. It cannot be good to pollute. One Hollywood film makers ideas is that we still have horrendous fogs in London, the 'pea supers'. We did have them of course I remember the last of them, I remember my mother who had a weak chest having to stay indoors for days as the smog made her cough terribly. The air stank and you could also taste it. However the Clean Air Act got rid of them, any fogs now in London, and there's far fewer of them than before, don't contain the pollution that actually killed people. Smokeless zones were made legal, only certain types of fuel were allowed and this was before so many vehicles were on the road. It very much proves that what we do affects our air and most likely our climate, fogs are actually rare in London now without the pollution clogging the air up.

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