Clasical Music


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I was siting around and watching a movie when it hit me, how many MA'ers actually listen to clasical music when they are trying to wind down and if not clasical what type of music if any do you listen too.
Terry Lee Stoker
i like classical, jazz and blues for winding down
put for getting pumed now thats a differnt story
I like just about everything, except Rap/Hip-Hop.

Year-round, I really like Jazz, and also Rock e.g., Clapton, DMB, Allman Bros., Grateful Dead. I'm also a known "Parrot-Head"!

As for Classical, I love Beethoven & Mozart. I think Beethoven's 9th is the greatest piece of music ever written, and I think Pachelbel's Canon is the most beautiful. Seems I tend to listen to Classical more in the Winter, and in the Summer I definitely shift more to Blues.....Not sure why....
For classical winding-down music? Yo-Yo Ma's recording of the Bach Cello Suites is fantastic. I also have a couple CD's of late-medieval vocal motets and a lot of Hildegard von Bingen. Very relaxing.

Non-classical, I find Delerium works pretty well.
terryl965 said:
I was siting around and watching a movie when it hit me, how many MA'ers actually listen to clasical music when they are trying to wind down and if not clasical what type of music if any do you listen too.
Terry Lee Stoker
Give me Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, et. al. over Snoopy the dog dog, M&M and SixPac!

Seriously, to each is own, but you do have a good point.
I'm a late-60's to early 80's kinda classic rocker. But I do listen to some country and jazz and R&B. Far as Classical music I do have favorite compositions but not any one particular composer. Works by Beethoven, Mozart, Paganini and several others I can relax to.

Here's a question for those who are both Sci-fi and Classical music buffs... at the end of the first Alien film there is a wonderful piece of music that is incorrectly labeled in the scrolling credits as Mozart's Ein Klien Nachmusik. Another MA friend of mine who is a total classical buff managed to identify the piece for me but that was a couple of years ago. If anyone knows what this piece is and tells me I'd be very grateful.
I listen to a mixture of genre's when I "unwind." I like anything from classical, to 80's/90's, to Christian. It just depends on what I'm in the mood for.
Andrew Lloyd Webber IMO is the best
Anything from Phantom or Cats will get me singing, very badly I might add, just cant seem to nail the high notes.
Theres no other music that is as powerful emotively as classical, and as for pumping up, it will do that as well.
I generally do not listen to any music during training, but I usually listen to classical on the radio all day at work.
I like "old school" Rock 'n Roll, as well as Country, Blues, Jazz & Classical, depending on my mood. For Classical, Mozart, Beethoven, & Chopin are some of my favorites, especially Chopin's "Nocturnes" because they're so soothing that I usually fall asleep when I hear them. :D

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