Choosing a Gi


Yellow Belt
Sooo 5 lessons into Aikido it's probably about time to start thinking about getting a gi now. My sensei is pretty laid back on what kind you can wear and literally his only rule is that it has to be white. Which is fair enough. Now I understand that any single size of gi can come in about 6 different weights and thicknesses... He's said it's up to us what we pick... My jiu jitsu sensei said the same. I've been advised to get a 'Judo one' because they're thicker and more resilient to throws and the lighter 'karate ones' can tear after a while. This is all new to me though so I'm not really sure on any of this... I'd kinda prefer a lightish one, less restrictive and hot...
A Gi is just like any other article of clothing. It can take a while to find a brand that fits you well and that you like.

I have a lot of Gi. I don't really know you size or build, but just based on your screen name and avatar, you might check out inverted gear. They have an inverted panda Gi that I really like.

A uk company called tatami fight wear is also quite good and won't break the bank.

Judo Gi tend to wear like iron, but they're heavy and stiff. bjj Gi are cut a little slimmer, and are a good balance between durability and comfort.

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No matter which company you go with get one that is a from middle weight to heavy weight. The price may be a little higher but they will last you longer
I love these guys, but I don't know if they ship to the UK.

Atama Jiu Jitsu Kimonos |

Sigh… no. Not that type of "jiu jitsu"… mind you, I always love the way they call them "kimono"… that's so cute…

For Aikido, bluntly, pick something that's geared up as an Aikido gi… you really can't go wrong with Tozando (aikido gi).

For your eclectic Jujutsu, I'd probably go with either the same, or a Judo gi, myself… and, for reputable online shopping, Tozando are still my first choice, if there isn't somewhere local to you.
Are your instructors open to BJJ Gi? If so, as I said before, I thin you'll find they are a terrific balance between durability and comfort.

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Me I hate buying stuff before I look at it. I'd look at what others are wearing in class. See the quality sizes ect. If you find something you like then perfect if not well not yoy have to buy blind and hope.