Q: Does the San Francisco Dojo have any further restrictions beyond these?
A: Yes. These are
martial arts in the literal sense of “martial” as pertaining to, or suitable for, warfare. Dale Seago often refers jokingly to them as “X-rated martial arts” in the sense that they are for mature, responsible adults. Accordingly it has always been his policy not to accept persons under the age of 18 for training in the regular dojo program.
Q: Then there is no training available for children?
A: A number of Bujinkan dojo do have children’s programs with a modified or “toned down” training curriculum focusing more on fundamental body-movement skills and on defending/escaping from dangerous situations than on the combative aspects. Dale does not teach such a program but has authorized one of his black-belt students, Rebecca Kidder, to do so. Information on this program can be found at