Well, if the aikido/hapkido person is doing the technique correctly, then he/she
should have the attacker off-balance and they are able to be thrown easily. A lot of times for practice, when the Aikidoka (and Hapkidoka, I'm sure) don't have much experiance (like me) and they are just practicing the movements of the techniques, the person attacking helps them out by just allowing themselves to be thrown (they are practicing their rolls and falls). It seems, when the Aikidoka has been in Aikido longer (at least, for my case), the uke (attacker) won't just allow the nage (person doing the technique) to just lead them around and throw them, instead, they will offer a lot of resistance so the nage really has to practice getting the uke's off-balance for the throw. So I guess that means I'm saying that sometimes of it is real and other times it's not. Depends on how much experiance the Aikidoka or Hapkidoka have and how they are practicing. (I've only done Aikido by the way and never Hapkido or Judo. If other people have a different opinion for what I've said, please reply.

By the way, you should know by now that you can't really compare arts. Judo, Hapkido, and Aikido are very different arts (even though Hapkido and Aikido do some of the same techniques). A lot depends on what the person, who is hoping to try out one of the arts, wants in a Martial art and is looking for. Why do you ask, by the way?
I hope that makes sense a little bit. I just woke up and my mind isn't working quite yet and I tend to ramble about nothing sometimes.
Have a nice day and I hope your back is healing well, Judo-kid.
Robyn :asian:
P.S. Okay, someone else replied by the time I finally got this posted. That's a good answer, Aegis! I forgot to mention that!