Chi Sau Traps or Attacks

mook jong man

Senior Master
May 28, 2008
Reaction score
Matsudo , Japan
Can you explain some traps and attacking moves that you like to use in Chi Sau . With all the different lineages on here we should be able to come up with a few that maybe we didn't know about .

My favourite is the first trap I ever learnt which is used when someones Bong Sau is crossing over. You drop your Fook down sharply on their Bong , thus tying up both their hands and you strike over the top at the same time.

My favourite attack utilises the Tan Sau and is a good one for the smaller person because it both unbalances the opponent and penetrates the defence at the same time .

While you are rolling as you go from Bong to Tan , step forward on the same side as the Tan . As you step forward raise both your Fook Sau and your Tan Sau , this unbalances the opponent and wrecks his structure which allows you to pierce upwards with your Tan Sau to the side of his neck and strike with the edge of your hand .

From there you can go past his neck and then latch his head down ala the wooden dummy technique , incidentally that latch behind the head can knock people out on its on if done with enough force .

While I'm at it for people who are just starting to learn trapping make sure you do it slowly and smoothly . Roll extra slowly and match the speed of your trap to the speed you are rolling at .

I find that people who don't go through this preliminary stage and want to go full pelt straight away develop a habit of telegraphing the trap just before they do it .

They can still do the trap fast , but just before they do it you will feel a slight hesitation and tension in their arms which gives the game away .
Absolutely awesome post! That was a great read, will definitely keep me motivated thinking about getting to that stage, doing SNT 2 hours a day really starts to wear on me after a while! Knowing my structure will be pretty decent by the time I'm ready to start practicing chi sau can certainly keep a guy on track!
I would also like to add that the advice about keeping our traps at the same speed as the exercise we are partaking in is quite sound! while I've only ever done trapping techniques for 20 mns, I was definitely getting a bit sped up with excitement, consciously thinking about keeping it the same speed for a week or two before we go back to that will certainly have a positive affect i'm sure! :)
I would also like to add that the advice about keeping our traps at the same speed as the exercise we are partaking in is quite sound! while I've only ever done trapping techniques for 20 mns, I was definitely getting a bit sped up with excitement, consciously thinking about keeping it the same speed for a week or two before we go back to that will certainly have a positive affect i'm sure! :)

How come you are doing traps already ? I thought you haven't even started double sticking hands yet , or are you talking about a very basic trap like a Pak Sau and punch followed by a latch and punch . Can you describe the ones you are doing please.

Come on people share your knowledge there might be one or two I want to steal off you , or vice versa.
Well, we tried out 2 "traps" not sure if they are even traps but.. when we were practicing lat sau (the 2 man punching drill spelling?) me and another lvl 2 student got to try out using pak sau after the punch went all the way out, we'd pak sau his hand with the fully extended arm, into his other arm, and than punch over the big mess there, and than with the tan sau, same thing basically, except it seems to work muchhh better, both me and my partner we're flipping out about the amazing effectiveness of the technique, my sifu claims that learning how to effectivly do that alone would suffice for most street fights.
Well, we tried out 2 "traps" not sure if they are even traps but.. when we were practicing lat sau (the 2 man punching drill spelling?) me and another lvl 2 student got to try out using pak sau after the punch went all the way out, we'd pak sau his hand with the fully extended arm, into his other arm, and than punch over the big mess there, and than with the tan sau, same thing basically, except it seems to work muchhh better, both me and my partner we're flipping out about the amazing effectiveness of the technique, my sifu claims that learning how to effectivly do that alone would suffice for most street fights.

Do you mean the lap sau drill ?
I was thinking more along the lines of traps used in Chi Sau but nevermind.
Yes my Sifu said you could win 95 percent of streetfights with a good Pak Sau and punch followed by latch and punch combination.
Yeah, I'm just so excited about the technique that I couldn't resist posting, plus I was hoping to keep the thread near the top in the hopes other people would add to it, tis quite a fascinating subject for me :)
This is similar to the first trap I described except I use this one against big guys who tend to lean on me or they are aggressively pushing forward .

What I do is I latch their Bong Sau down till both there hands are trapped , and then with my Tan Sau hand I come up from underneath and hook my hand over both there arms and pull them down.

At the same time as I do this I step back with one foot on the Tan Sau side . this has the effect of pulling them down and in to my side slash which is waiting to hit them in the throat .

Note ( I use the Fook Sau arm to side slash with which started the original trapping movement)