On April 26th, the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl was compromised and the subsequent fires spread radiation across the world. In Belarus, directly downwind, the effects were recorded in a recent documentary...
These birth defects and cancers were a direct result of the radiation. Please take a moment to remember the victims of this disaster and then contemplate the consequences of nuclear power.
This, according to the new energy policy in this country, is going to become widely used in the future...despite the risks. I think putting faces to the risks is important.
PS - Mods, if this belongs in the premium club, feel free to move it.
These birth defects and cancers were a direct result of the radiation. Please take a moment to remember the victims of this disaster and then contemplate the consequences of nuclear power.
This, according to the new energy policy in this country, is going to become widely used in the future...despite the risks. I think putting faces to the risks is important.
PS - Mods, if this belongs in the premium club, feel free to move it.