Check out this video!!

I think I have seen some work by these chaps before, or at least something similar done by another partnership. Absolutely brilliant and achieved on a budget rather smaller than LucaArts :D. Well done to those fellows.

The other cinematic lightsabre video I've seen was set in a 'factory' environment. I shall see if I can't dig it out and link to it.
The other light-sabre movies I'd seen were by another couple of young chaps. They're more adept with the art of cinema than the art of the blade-of-light but it's still great stuff to watch. In a way their 'style' actually suits the idea of a laser sword - why hit hard when you're wielding something that will cut almost anything :D.
This might be a stupid question, but how they know the distances? I assume all they have is the plastic or metal handle in their hands. I think it is rather a challange finding at the right spot and angle. I mean the computer issues the light from the handle, not a curving line to adjust to the players' positions.
That was waaaay cool.

Charyuop, They could have used something like this to make the video. They'd have to have more than just a handle I'd think.
For the Ryan-Dorkman films, they used aluminium tubes attached to the hilt sections. If you go through their website I think they pretty much answer all the questions anyone has ever had about their work (there's a series of five video clips over at YouTube I believe).
that was great, when they were standing apart from each other, i had time to run to the bathroom, and than i made popcorn, and when i came back in they was still standing apart, wow that was way cool, i did not miss anything:boing2: LOL, only joking , good stuff:highfive:
Thanks for sharing the link.

That has been around for several years, at least. I think I remember seeing it for the first time around when Ep.2 came out. I agree, they put together a very nice set.