Master of Arts
Ideally, I would go in for a full massage every time I got a little sore and tense. My real world income doesn't permit this however; so I look for cheap alternatives. Here's a cheap cheat tip that a friend at the dojo gave me last month when I had that raging back of the head ache:
Sit down and put your feet on one of those freezer gel packs. The blood in your feet will chill quickly and flows in a direct line to the head, so the vessels in your head will shrink quickly in reaction. Throbbing reduced in about a minute's time.
I know some of you are pros in traditional healing...whaddaya say, are you willing to give up some cheat tips for your brothers and sisters in the martial arts?
Sit down and put your feet on one of those freezer gel packs. The blood in your feet will chill quickly and flows in a direct line to the head, so the vessels in your head will shrink quickly in reaction. Throbbing reduced in about a minute's time.
I know some of you are pros in traditional healing...whaddaya say, are you willing to give up some cheat tips for your brothers and sisters in the martial arts?