Charelton Heston, civil rights hero...missing from anniversary...


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This is not to place Charleton Heston above the leaders of the civil rights movement but this post is here to point out that, as he once pointed out on Bill Maher's "politically Incorrect," show...Charleton Heston was involved in the civil rights movement long before it became fashionable in hollywood...

from wikipedia...

Reportedly, when in 1961 an Oklahoma movie theater premiering his movie El Cid was segregated, he joined a picket line outside.[SUP][URL=""][30]
[/SUP] Heston makes no reference to this in his autobiography, but describes traveling to [/URL]Oklahoma City to picket segregated restaurants, to the chagrin of Allied Artists, the producers of El Cid.[SUP][31][/SUP] During the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom held in Washington, D.C. in 1963, he accompanied Martin Luther King Jr. In later speeches, Heston said he helped the civil rights cause "long before Hollywood found it fashionable."[SUP][32][/SUP]

That's what I thought when I read the thread title :confused:. :lol:

I know what straw Bill is clutching at really :D.
I was wondering how much of a hero of billc's he could be, considering that he misspelled Charleton... I mean Charlton's name multiple times. :D
Maybe I got it wrong, but I thought he meant to point out that he wasn't at this year's 50th anniversary, although he had been at the first march (see his last balloon).

I'm not sure if Steve is referring to Mr. Heston's alzheimers or not. He was willing to announce it. Not many wish to do so.
Maybe I got it wrong, but I thought he meant to point out that he wasn't at this year's 50th anniversary, although he had been at the first march (see his last balloon).

I'm not sure if Steve is referring to Mr. Heston's alzheimers or not. He was willing to announce it. Not many wish to do so.
I'd never make a joke about alzheimer's or dementia.

Charlton Heston passed several years ago, and the comment was that some thought he was still alive. It was a reference to the Princess Bride.
What is left out most often in conversations about this is the part Democrats like Bull Connor played...
Of course, that is so people can blame Republicans...

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