
Originally posted by arnisandyz
No, I'll just pair you up with new Wyane all night and let him take care of you by accident!


Dude, that's just mean!

Originally posted by arnisandyz
Unless the Professor gave specific instruction "ONLY USE THESE AS REPLACEMENTS!" I would guess that he entrusted to whoever he gave the certificates to to use there own judgement as how they are used.

He did. At the time he gave me the certificates, we had an understanding that this was only for promotions up to third degree brown and any promotions to instructor or black belt status would be done by him personally. At that time, I knew of no exceptions. This is not to say he didn't tell Shishir something else. Seeing that your promotion was to instructor status, I would have felt more comfortable issuing you one of the organizational certificates that we use and not the ones that Remy pre-signed for me.

The black belt promotions I have done since the Professor's death have been done by my hand alone. These were WMAA promtions done by our standards. I don't feel that Professor would have disagreed with my standards. I was always harder on my students when it came to rank than he was. The big thing to me is that these were under black belt certificates and I don't feel comfortable issuing them for any of our promotions. Since my resignation from the IMAF, I also would not feel comfortable using IMAF certificates. We are a different organization with different standards and different papers. Since Datu Shishir is a member of the IMAF, there are a lot more reasons for him to use those certificates.

Like I said before, I have no problems with your promotion. The above is the reason I would not use the certificates other than to replace a damaged certificate.

Your brother in the arts-
Tim Hartman
Originally posted by Renegade
Since my resignation from the IMAF, I also would not feel comfortable using IMAF certificates. We are a different organization with different standards and different papers. Since Datu Shishir is a member of the IMAF, there are a lot more reasons for him to use those certificates.

Hi Tim,

I don't think that this is a general practice for IMAF, Inc. When Dr. Shea presented promotion certificates for Guro Ng and Guro Rivera, he stated that he was able to get GM Presas' signature for one but not for the other.

I am not an official spokesman for IMAF, Inc, but I do believe that only current leadership signs the certificates. Therefore this might be an individual case for Shirshir.

On another note, MARPPIO showed me a stack of certificates pre-signed from the Professor, which they do not use also. From what I recall, they were approached by someone who requested a "duplicate" certificate, which they declined.


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