Cell Phone Interferance with scoring not real problem?


Orange Belt
The real problem with developing a wireless Hogu for automatic scoring of points is not really technical but people. If our fighting, refereeing and judging had maintained the original quality, honor and fairness developed by the pioneers there would not be a need for computer intervention to some how guarantee impartial scoring?

The talk about specifications and interference I feel is off the real subject of why do it at all? Boxing and MMA do not need this for obvious reasons why doesn't the WTF and the rest of the TKD community? I like the four judge electronic scoring system with the center referee. Are we now going to say that we cannot find enough trained and qualified people to be trusted to score and referee? Constant changing of the rules and scoring has not accomplished what they are looking for its about people not computers and technical specifications?

Frankly if they have to develop a system that has a high degree of insurance that it cannot be listened to or interfered with it will have to go to such a high frequency that no one will be able to afford or have access to the equipment to do that. This means 200 Gigahurts or higher which looses signal strength rapidly and a whole bunch more technical complications?

What happened to good training and certification of referees and judges. What happened to fighting that left no doubt who won who lost?
The real problem with developing a wireless Hogu for automatic scoring of points is not really technical but people. If our fighting, refereeing and judging had maintained the original quality, honor and fairness developed by the pioneers there would not be a need for computer intervention to some how guarantee impartial scoring?

The talk about specifications and interference I feel is off the real subject of why do it at all? Boxing and MMA do not need this for obvious reasons why doesn't the WTF and the rest of the TKD community? I like the four judge electronic scoring system with the center referee. Are we now going to say that we cannot find enough trained and qualified people to be trusted to score and referee? Constant changing of the rules and scoring has not accomplished what they are looking for its about people not computers and technical specifications?

Frankly if they have to develop a system that has a high degree of insurance that it cannot be listened to or interfered with it will have to go to such a high frequency that no one will be able to afford or have access to the equipment to do that. This means 200 Gigahurts or higher which looses signal strength rapidly and a whole bunch more technical complications?

What happened to good training and certification of referees and judges. What happened to fighting that left no doubt who won who lost?[/QUOTE

Right on the mark!!!!
Bias portial judges, that is all that needs to be said. For whatever reason judging has gone down the drain in the TKD community.
Bias portial judges, that is all that needs to be said. For whatever reason judging has gone down the drain in the TKD community.

I agree but it happened over a long period based on money and politics. There are still many good senior people out there the problem is they need a good NGB to support them and a return to a good state, regional and national base of quality officiating. Given the state of current status that seems impossible. We may never see again a good national and global entity that everyone can trust and believe in?
Money and fame matter, and maybe more in our instant media age.

The truth is that this isn't unique to Taekwondo. Figure skating is only one example of another sport where judge bias has been a problem in the Olympics.
I agree but it happened over a long period based on money and politics. There are still many good senior people out there the problem is they need a good NGB to support them and a return to a good state, regional and national base of quality officiating. Given the state of current status that seems impossible. We may never see again a good national and global entity that everyone can trust and believe in?

You are correct there is alot of senior that are good. but like you said the NGB is not helping with support and training of the official and most younger ones really do not understand or interpet the rules ina manner that is consistant with the seniors. We do need a better system for teaching and educating all the official and also a way that does not costpeople alot of money to come in officiate at events.
You are correct there is alot of senior that are good. but like you said the NGB is not helping with support and training of the official and most younger ones really do not understand or interpet the rules ina manner that is consistant with the seniors. We do need a better system for teaching and educating all the official and also a way that does not costpeople alot of money to come in officiate at events.

Seems like AAU is trying to support education and low cost but they are not NGB so I am not sure certification under them will help unless recognized by the WTF? Yes Olympics has many problems in many sports related to judging and that was my real point but that is the nature of all competition unless it is a TKO chance luck and politics play in at all levels the point MA is supposed to have is it is not about winning its effort is its own reward and doing your best learning should be the goal.

Many of my senior friends say forget getting involved with any national judging or refereeing now you will just get used, cost you a fortune and in the end no thanks? These are truly great and experienced men on a national and international level given another decade or so we will not have them anymore. I feel Mr. Punni may have touched on a valid point I have been thinking the last 10 years that traditional martial art may be impossible to maintain in the US?

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