OK, I didn't even look to see what it was, I know, I should have, but damn dial up!!!!
Anyway, if you want to do some kickboxing and get in great shape, Bas Rutten makes an incredible 4 disk cd set you can order, it is awesome. Each has 2 minute or 3 minute rounds with one minute breaks. Each is 30 minutes long. One is all boxing, another thai boxing, another is all around fighting, and the other is all around workout.
He calls out combinations and punches to you, and you do them, either on the bag or shadowboxing. You need to develop good technique on your own, study it/learn it somewhere, this doesn't do that for you.
But, why do this? It's 60$ when I ordered it-because he motivates you to work hard. On your own, it's easy to quit and easier to slow down when you get winded. He motivates you to keep going, and reminds you to keep good form and twist your hips. It's grueling and fun. You can kick and punch the way you were trained to kick and punch, you don't have to do it his way, just his combinations.
It's truly a great buy, wonderful money-well spent.