Car Guys / Gals.


Blue Belt
Anyone else here a car guy/gal? Street rods, Hot rods, rat, tuner, classic, whatever it is tell us about it.

I don't mean this to be a debate over purists and one's better than the other, but what do you like about the style of the unique car you own?

A true car guy is the guy who will look at a Yugo and get as excited as if s/he were looking at a Ferrari because of the potential. So, If you have a Ferrari great, but don't hesitate to brag up your Yugo either.

I use Yugo because of the car I own is a relative. It's a Fiat X1/9 in very good condition. (Rust came standard equipment on these things). The car is a blast to drive in the twisties but it is considerabley under powered.
The car is a blast to drive in the twisties but it is considerabley under powered.

That's the kind of driving I like to do. There are a lot of winding country roads where I live and I go out of my way to drive them, even if it extends the trip. I don't think I've ever gone 100 mph in a car but I love to take turns very fast. I think it's a g-force thing. Anyways, I've had a Z4 for a little over a year and it suites my driving style very well. It's not customized but it's still fun to drive.

Oh, I almost forgot. Another thing I really like is a convertible. I put my top down even if I need to run the heater to keep warm. Today will be a top-down day on the ride hom,e from work.

Just writing this makes me wish I was out driving.
I used to build some wild ones. I once built up a "full house" Chrysler 392 hemi and then placed it into a 54 Ford pick me up. I had to put ladder bars on the rear in order to keep the nose down.
Later on I built a "full house" Ford 390 and squeezed it into a 55 Ford.
I took a Corvette 327, modified it some what,:) , and fit it into a 1953 Chev.
I will still modify a few but the availability of low cost high test gas and emissions it makes it a little harder to do.
With computer chip modification devices it is easier to up the horses but that's no fun.
I am mostly into modifying motorcycles, especially Harleys.
Ummmmm...I don't know about all the mechanics and such, but I love muscle cars. Love the way they look, sound, and feel. I also love drag racing, not into nascar.
Drag racing is the best. I love to watch the "funny cars" and "rails".
All of the cars that I have built were set up for the quarter mile drag racing, (street).