Can't find any kenjutsu schools..


White Belt
Hello. I just joined the forums, nice to meet you all!
Well anyways, are there any legimate kenjutsu (nitojutsu too?) schools in Edmonton Alberta? The only thing I found was Noble house Kenjutsu and from other forums they arent that great. But how is that so? I never visited them yet because I needed ID for some reason... but yeah any information will be appreciated!
Btw I tried going to e-budo for information on the kenjutsu school, but for some reason they wont let me register or search.
You have to make use of what is around. Who cares if they are not that great, try them out and when you are ready you can move on. JMHO.
Thanks Paul. I'm aware he is from Canada from reading his post. Not all seminars are convienantly located in one's area. But some find it worth while to make long journeys for the knowledge and training.

We had a couple gentlemen who travelled from Canada to Nami Ryu seminars in Pennsylvania. So I make the suggestion to anyone and it'll be up to them if they are up for the trip for solid training or at least exposure to it.
There are apparently no legit kenjutsu schools in Canada, from what I've read. You'll be able to find Kendo, and there are good Western Sword Arts schools in most major cities.

Best regards,

There is a Niten Ichi Ryu kenjutsu seminar in Calgary soon if you can make that. Check out Kim Taylor's site for more info.

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