Can You Stand Still?

I think some of you appear very easily riled.. easy to rattle.. whatever.. he is gone now

I don't think anyone was riled, I sensed a great deal of amusement over an imposter trying to wind people up. I doubt anyone took him seriously.

However I find this an interesting subject even though I don't do WC. I hope that we might carry on a little with explanations in layman's terms that can help all of us, just bascis things that we could all do not just for martial arts but perhaps in everyday things?
Someone who knows but will not share just get ridiculed, whats the point in declaring you know something?
And 'no more games' was my line. zzzz
Ah, Siunimtao. You overplayed your hand just a little too long.

For what it's worth, I think he was close to figuring it out... or maybe not. :)
Things are getting confused here.
If we are talking about the "back" then from a visual perspective it will look straight.

In the correct Wing Chun stance we aim to have a straight line going from the shoulders to the knees.
An observer would see that the persons back is straight.

If we are talking about the spine itself , then internally we know that the spine is naturally made up of curves , that cannot be made to be straight.
But externally the posture will look upright and straight.

Mentally we are visualizing the spine as a straight line.

My Sifu used to make this analogy about the back being straight in Wing Chun.
If you hold a plastic ruler vertically on a table and it is straight , then it can hold a great deal of weight.

If however there is a bend in the ruler , then the structural integrity will be weakened and it will start to collapse.
The Wing Chun stance works similarly.

This is interesting, I'm round shouldered and desperate to improve my posture as I don't want to end up looking hunched up like a little old lady! I try to stand upright but when tired, busy or tense I 'hunch' again.
shoulders up, then back, then down.

Also, back strengthing exercises.

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This is interesting, I'm round shouldered and desperate to improve my posture as I don't want to end up looking hunched up like a little old lady! I try to stand upright but when tired, busy or tense I 'hunch' again.

Look on the bright side Tez , you will be a hunched up little old lady that can still choke some poor bastard out.

But I can see you are a bit concerned about this , so if you just want the postural benefits of the Wing Chun stance without going and having to learn in a Wing Chun school then you could cheat a little and just practice this for a few minutes everyday.

We won't worry about the position of the feet too much , because the stance has to be measured out correctly or there will be too much stress on the knee joints.

But the rest of it you can still do.

  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
  • Bend your knees slightly , so that your thighs are relaxed and springy.
  • Pull both your fists back in line with your chest like in the photo ( just doing this causes the chest to open up , shoulders to go back and the back to straighten) keep fists relaxed not clenched tight.
  • Tuck your tailbone under and tilt your pelvis up ( but not to the point where your quads and glutes tense up.
  • Try and relax and maintain this posture , visualise a string connected to the top of your head and the string is drawing your head and spine upwards , practice for a few minutes each day.

Thank you so much! I shall practice!, I also have to do a new kata Sip Soo which should be easy enough but some of the moves with the shoulders back which should be a normal posture means I have tightness in my shoulders, I really have to work to get them right.
We do this a bit differently but the movements in the middle - two sets of three blocks - are the same and you can where I need to keep my shoulders back as they should be.
Thank you so much! I shall practice!, I also have to do a new kata Sip Soo which should be easy enough but some of the moves with the shoulders back which should be a normal posture means I have tightness in my shoulders, I really have to work to get them right.
We do this a bit differently but the movements in the middle - two sets of three blocks - are the same and you can where I need to keep my shoulders back as they should be.

I watched the form Tez , Korean is it?
Can't help you there , bit outside of my area of expertise I'm afraid.
Keep practicing you'll get there.

Anyway , I've got to get back to watching Eurovision.
I watched the form Tez , Korean is it?
Can't help you there , bit outside of my area of expertise I'm afraid.
Keep practicing you'll get there.

Anyway , I've got to get back to watching Eurovision.

Thanks! I'm watching the Giro D'Italia then we have a fight night.

The kata itself is easy enough, it's a lot of what I already have done, it's just that middle bit, my instructor has threatened to put a Bo staff through my sleeves across my shoulders to make me stand up properly lol!

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