Can Somebody Translate this for me please...


2nd Black Belt
Founding Member
Heiwa No Senshi Sutairu

It's the name of a Karate school near me. I'm trying to find out what it actually means...
Also if anyone can give me an idea of the pronunciation it would be greatly appreciated.
After all, I wouldn't want to join if they made the same mistake as the style whose name translates as School Of Rape :-)

Thanks in advance guys... :asian:

Heiwa No Senshi Sutairu

It's the name of a Karate school near me. I'm trying to find out what it actually means...
Also if anyone can give me an idea of the pronunciation it would be greatly appreciated.
After all, I wouldn't want to join if they made the same mistake as the style whose name translates as School Of Rape :-)

Thanks in advance guys... :asian:


My wife is Japanese , she says that it means "Soldier of peace style"
Heiwa No Senshi Sutairu

It's the name of a Karate school near me. I'm trying to find out what it actually means...
Also if anyone can give me an idea of the pronunciation it would be greatly appreciated.
After all, I wouldn't want to join if they made the same mistake as the style whose name translates as School Of Rape :-)

Thanks in advance guys... :asian:


Mook Jong Man's wife translation is right, albeit slightly loose (probably the way it's intended!). Taking it bit by bit, Heiwa ("hey wah" - 平和) means "peace", or "harmony", no ("noh" - の) means "of", Senshi ("sen shee" - 戦士) is a slightly older way of saying "warrior" (rather than soldier, technically)... closer to "man at arms", rather than "knight", if that makes sense (with "knight" being "samurai", or "bushi" in this case). The literal is "war man". Sutairu ("soo tie roo" - スタイル), so you know, isn't really Japanese... it's the Japanized version of the English word "style"... so there's no real kanji for it, with katakana being used instead, as shown. In a similar way, an early name for Uchida Ryu's methods of fighting with a Western style cane referred to their art as "Sutekki-jutsu", or "Stick art", before changing it to the strict Japanese of "Tanjo", or "short Jo/stick" later. But it's kinda odd to have a Western dojo name themselves with a word that is, really, just taken from English in the first place... hmm.

Oh, and for the record, the issue with the poor name choice wasn't a matter of pronunciation... it was in kanji selection. Basically, the instructor wanted to call his school "Seiryoku Dojo", meaning "Powerful School"... but chose the wrong kanji for "Sei" (powerful), instead choosing another one that is pronounced the same ("sei"), but means "sex"... making the name of his school "Sex House". Whoops...
So based on these two replies, should the school be called something like Heiwa No Senshi Ryu, or perhaps Heiwa No Senshi Jutsu as the style name? Would either of these be more correct? This is more for my own curiosity than anything else :-)

Thanks again Guys, I really appreciate you taking the time to answer this one...

Hmm... no, it shouldn't. From what you've said, it's the name of a school (dojo), not a system, so realistically, it's best off being called Heiwa no Senshi Dojo (School of the Peaceful Warrior), whichever-system of karate. For it to be a "ryu", it would need to be a unique system of karate, with clear derivation from other source systems, as well as needing to be Japanese (or Okinawan)... and the term "jutsu" refers to a classification of martial art, not a reference to a particular system or school.

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