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PETA wants the city of Rodeo, CA to change its name to 'Unity'.

You've gotta be ****ting me.

I hope the people who provide the largest donations to this group read about this crap and stop financing stupidity.

I'm a member of PETA......"People Eating Tasty Animals" that is...

Originally posted by Shodan
What is the reason they give for wanting to change the name?

:asian: :karate:

Quote from the article:

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals says the name recalls the sport of rodeo. They claim rodeo animals are abused and mistreated.

People are giving this group real money???

Okay, that seems way out there!! To me, it seems that if they are concerned about something like that, they have waaaaaaayyyyyy too much time on their hands.

:asian: :karate:
Well, I guess it's no worse than the geniuses from some Texas town who changed, "Hell-o." to, "heaven-o," or the B-2 bomber....I guess.

Good to see that they've prioritized, though, what with global warming, world hunger, the spread of nuclear weapons, the draining of the Ogallalla aquifer, and all...
To put it in perspective, isn't this the same group that, a few months back, offered the residents of Hamburg, NY a decent amount of money to change the name of the town to Veggieburg?

And, sadly enough, that's not a joke I'm making. It is in fact the truth. :shrug:

Doesn't PETA have some more work to do, like putting out another one of those calendars containing nearly nude supermodels that claim they'd "rather show skin than wear fur?"

BTW, I don't agree with PETA, but I'm all for the calendars. :D
PETA is just one more in a long list of groups that feel that any infraction (no matter how small or convoluted) of their agenda requires that the public be informed as to the evil of it all. While I do agree that animals should not be treated cruelly, I also have spent a lifetime observing nature and fully realize that in the pecking order of life on this earth animals are a food source
......"People Eating Tasty Animals
. Animals themselves can be "unethical"..... my cat is a prime example. He loves nothing more than getting hold of a field mouse and taking 10-15 minutes to kill it. He won't eat them but he brings them to me, lays them at my feet and looks up at me as if to say "Look what I did for you, dad." Come on, people, let's get real here. If you are that desperate for a cause to give your life some meaning, throw all that energy into help abused children and battered women.:soapbox:
The town name change issue is just plain stupid...


ps...random kittycat facts: Keep your kitties indoors!!!!

Domestic cats were bred to kill even when they aren't hungry. They were bred to guard granaries from rats. Research has shown that a cat's instinct to hunt and the urge to eat are controlled by separate parts of the brain. Every time you let your cat outside, you are releasing an animal that's been bred to hunt and kill just about anything smaller than itself. It's only relatively recently that the domesticated cat has been bred solely for its beauty. For thousands of years before that, humans have intentionally bred cats for their skill at killing. Cats have been observed hunting prey even though dishes filled with food are only a few feet away. The animals these cats kill carry disease. The humane society suggests cat owners never let their animals outside. That prevents them from getting into fights or contracting any diseases. The average lifespan of an outdoor cat is 1-3 years. The average lifespan of an indoor cat is 16-20.