Can I say Im a Muay Thai stylist if..


Yellow Belt
Jun 27, 2022
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Can I claim to know and practice Muay Thai if I only do pad work and not spar or compete?
Say I'm ferocious with the bags and mitt work. I only train with hobbyists and soccer moms who are trying to lose weight.
I would think that you would have to know Muay Thai concepts and approaches in order to claim that you train Muay Thai.
You can claim anything you want. How valid that claim is felt to be will vary widely depending on who you're saying it to.
I would say if you currently actively train in the art of Muay Thai, then you're a Muay Thai stylist.

I don't think competing is necessary for that... but it's possible sparring is. Another with more knowledge may have to chime in.
Hello R5ky. The first question you have to ask is, "Am I actually learning Muay Thai though the pad work?"

A lot of schools claim to teach Muay Thai because it's popular, and markets well, but they don't understand it and never learned it. American or Dutch style kickboxing is not Muay Thai, even if it's labeled as such.

I only bring this up because you mentioned training with a bunch of soccer mom's trying to get fit. That typically isn't the crowd a true Muay Thai school draws in.

If you are interested PM me and I can help you determine how much your school is tuned into Muay Thai pad work vs cardio kickboxing pad work.
Eh, labels.

Assuming your coach actually is qualified to teach Muay Thai (and isn't just some cardio-kickboxing instructor), then you can say you are learning Muay Thai.

You can't legitimately claim to be a Muay Thai fighter. Nor should you consider yourself to be a particularly advanced practitioner if you've never sparred. But even pro fighters start out with the pad work and bag work before they start sparring.

One thing you might consider is whether you are learning the other aspects of Muay Thai besides pad work, bag work, and sparring. Do you do practice blocks, counters, and combinations with partners? Do you practice clinch work (which is a huge part of Muay Thai)? If not, then at best you can say you are practicing some elements of Muay Thai.
You can't legitimately claim to be a Muay Thai fighter. Nor should you consider yourself to be a particularly advanced practitioner if you've never sparred. If a person has sparred in class but hasn't competed in amateur or professional fights, can they still call themselves a fighter?
If a person has sparred in class but hasn't competed in amateur or professional fights, can they still call themselves a fighter?
If a person has sparred in class but hasn't competed in amateur or professional fights, can they still call themselves a fighter?
I wouldn't. Heck, I have fought in the ring a couple of times as an amateur and I don't really consider myself a fighter (although I do consider myself a Muay Thai practitioner.)
Claim whatever some never spar some will say that's not real but I think that's just fine if you decide to spar or compete it's pretty easy to take the next step if your truly good at pad work