Can anyone give me some book info?


Black Belt
Jul 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ponca City, Oklahoma
I was interested into buying Saito Shihan books Traditional Aikido. All I can find is the first editions of the 70s' which go for US$ 300 and up for each book.
Does anyone know if the same series of book was made also in recent editions, let's say at a more affordable price?
Thats an expensive pile of paper...It must be good (one would hope, any way).

Well, Saito did a good job at showing Aikido, and so good that the books can still be used. I would love at set, and the last set I heard about in Denmark went for about 120 dollars (if my memory serves me correctly).

Saito Sensei`s books have been reprinted. They are available at Also the are new videos of seminars with Saito Sensei at the same site.
Saito Sensei was a direct student of OSensei for 25 years his techniques
are flawless.
I was interested into buying Saito Shihan books Traditional Aikido. All I can find is the first editions of the 70s' which go for US$ 300 and up for each book.
Does anyone know if the same series of book was made also in recent editions, let's say at a more affordable price?
Hey there :) Volumes 1-5 are available online as torrent files. Though obviously file-sharing is subject to your own sensibilities :) Otherwise, good luck with the saving :)
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,