Calling all Ontario and Great Lakes Kenpoists!


I just wanted to inform you guys of a Modern Arnis Seminar I am hosting in Michigan.

The details are on the this thread:

I specifically am writing this to kenpoists in my area (Michigan + neighboring states and Canada) because I know that Datu Tim Hartman does quite a bit of teaching to Kenpo players of all kinds both in the U.S., Canada, and Overseas in Europe. Many of the Kenpoists I have talked to have greatly appreciated training Modern Arnis as a complement to what they are already doing.

The camp is pretty low cost, and additional discounts are available for Canadians and groups.

Day rates are also available if you can't do the weekend.

I just thought I'd pass this info to you guys, for I know that the Kenpoists who I have played with in the past have been happy that they have done a few Modern Arnis Seminars to enhance their training.

Call me with questions! Hope to see those of you who can make it!
My instructor Mr. Ingram and others from London will be attending, I will be staying behind and running his classes for him that day.

I'm sure it will be a great seminiar.

Originally posted by KenpoGirl
My instructor Mr. Ingram and others from London will be attending, I will be staying behind and running his classes for him that day.

I'm sure it will be a great seminiar.


Good for you DOT! You running class and thereby allowing your instructor to step on over to this camp.
paul, myself and dave ridley will be attending for one day only due to work scheduling. i will do my best to past the word around to my contacts and hopefully get some feed back. as of right now i have not done any training whatso ever for 2 mnths and was planning on taking a break from ma until the new year due to other life commiments but you have supported me in the past and been a friend and i will return the favour as a friend as well.
much luck in the camp progress,see you soon brother in arnis.
jay:p :asian:
Living on the East Coast sucks sometimes, all of the good stuff happens so far away.:mad:
Originally posted by jaybacca72
who do you train with kroy?
ps just curious:asian:

I used to run a Tracy school down here and gave it up (not a great business man) I went back to school to learn how to run a business properly. In that time I started my conversion to EPAK and currently train with a handful of my former Tracy students.
Originally posted by Kroy
I used to run a Tracy school down here and gave it up (not a great business man) I went back to school to learn how to run a business properly. In that time I started my conversion to EPAK and currently train with a handful of my former Tracy students.

Hey...if you made the drive from Novia Scotia (sp) you would get the royal treatment! And no, that doesn't mean being the UKE for the entire means that I can probably twist someones arm into buying you a beer Saturday night! ;)
Originally posted by KenpoGirl
My instructor Mr. Ingram and others from London will be attending, I will be staying behind and running his classes for him that day.

I'm sure it will be a great seminiar.


Nice to see a fellow Londoner :) I was wondering what the name of Sensei Bryson's new school was... I got to train with him before he left where I train to open his dojo. In fact, my very first white belt class was with Sensei Bryson - I thought I was going to die by the time he had finished with us <G>
Originally posted by PAUL
Hey...if you made the drive from Novia Scotia (sp) you would get the royal treatment! And no, that doesn't mean being the UKE for the entire means that I can probably twist someones arm into buying you a beer Saturday night! ;)

Now your making it hard not to show up:D
Living on the East Coast sucks sometimes, all of the good stuff happens so far away.

You should try living in El Paso. It's like another country, and nobody know where the hell we are! :shrug:

Originally posted by Kenpo68
Nice to see a fellow Londoner :) I was wondering what the name of Sensei Bryson's new school was... I got to train with him before he left where I train to open his dojo. In fact, my very first white belt class was with Sensei Bryson - I thought I was going to die by the time he had finished with us <G>

Welcome to Martial talk. :D

I use to train at your school too. Quit, due to injury, a year before Mr. Ingram started his new school, by that time I was healed enough to join his school.

Congrat's on continuing through the hard times of when you begin training. I see your profile says Brown belt, you must be a dedicated student to advance to brown, good for you. :D

I will let you know if Mr. Ingram is holding any seminars in the future if you'd like to participate.


P.S. BTW I like your signature quote. Excellent attitude. :)
Originally posted by KenpoGirl
Welcome to Martial talk. :D

I will let you know if Mr. Ingram is holding any seminars in the future if you'd like to participate.

P.S. BTW I like your signature quote. Excellent attitude. :)

Thanks, that would be fantastic... I learned a lot in the short time I was lucky enough to be taught by him.

And I like your signature quote as well ;)

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