I'm looking to put together a serious focus on Kenpo for the September or October issues of MartialTalk magazine.
I need at least 5 good articles. This can be on history, lineage, instructor profiles, technique breakdowns, etc.
Specific Requirements:
Minimum 1000 words
couple of photos
See the Magazine forum here and the magazine site for full info on submission guidelines.
Submission deadline is August 20th.
(Note - a good writeup of the "Homecoming" with pictures would really be cool)

Thank you!
I need at least 5 good articles. This can be on history, lineage, instructor profiles, technique breakdowns, etc.
Specific Requirements:
Minimum 1000 words
couple of photos
See the Magazine forum here and the magazine site for full info on submission guidelines.
Submission deadline is August 20th.
(Note - a good writeup of the "Homecoming" with pictures would really be cool)

Thank you!