Bush Administration Set to Use New Spy Program in U.S.

Bob Hubbard

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The Bush administration said yesterday that it plans to start using the nation's most advanced spy technology for domestic purposes soon, rebuffing challenges by House Democrats over the idea's legal authority.
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said his department will activate his department's new domestic satellite surveillance office in stages, starting as soon as possible with traditional scientific and homeland security activities -- such as tracking hurricane damage, monitoring climate change and creating terrain maps.

But don't worry, they will only use this for good. They even pinky swore.
"They hate us for our freedoms."

I guess he's defeating terrorism by taking away the things that make them hate us :mad:
How did that go...."had to destroy the village to save it from the enemy".
Not to worry, I'm sure our new Democratic overlords will dismantle the program posthaste in 2009. :shrug:
the whole "it COULD be mis-used somehow' thing has never really thrilled me or motivated me.

I dont concern myself too much with "maybe"

more importantly, it isnt like there are no survieliance birds aimed at US soil now anyway. I saw the pictures when i was in the Navy. trsut me, there isnt much they cant already look at if they want to. You just didnt know about it.

Tellner, you made an accusation of "Republican lying" in another thread, i asked you,politely to back it up or make a retraction.

Any idea when you might get around to that?
there's quite a bit that I know about. That's why stuff like this concerns me. It's not a matter of "if" or "maybe" it's the "when" it's abused. At least this is out in the open. But, you're right, they can look at whatever they want now. I just wish they'd put as much effort into getting gas prices down, and all that as they do to find out what I'm doing and who I'm doing it with.
Not to worry, I'm sure our new Democratic overlords will dismantle the program posthaste in 2009.
Of course not. Once you give your freedoms away, you don't get them back. We don't deserve to have them back anyway.

The Dems sure won't trash them as fast, though. That's for sure. I swear, sometimes when I think of what has become of this country, I look forward to the grinding contest that this upcoming election will be. I hate it that a good man has thrown his hat into the ring. McCain, to me, is a hero. I think its a shame that he is going to have to go through this, seriously. But he chose to get into this, not me.

For the sake of my country, I hope the Dems win. For the sake of making the vote count, surely, and have no hope of any strange goings on when they get counted (I know -- this happens on both sides) -- I hope its a slaughter.
I just wish they'd put as much effort into getting gas prices down, and all that as they do to find out what I'm doing and who I'm doing it with.

While i couldnt agree more with the first part of your quote above, the fact is you have to do something REALLY interesting to even get on their radar. Trust me, they dont care what you do or who you are doing it with. I mean, put it this way, if the governement was all that nefarious, would someone like Sunsara Taylor even be alive?
if the governement was all that nefarious, would someone like Sunsara Taylor even be alive?

Wait -- never trust the government -- they do NOT have your best interest at heart. They are not to be trusted!!!

Remember what Ronald Reagan said -- and he was a TRUE conservative -- may he rest in peace:

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

When they promise to "keep us safe" -- it is the same thing, look at the government with distrust!
Hasn't anyone wondered why we had defectors from the USSR some time ago? Something about the KGB and consistently misused spying? Hmmm .... The cold war is now waged upon the citizenry.
very provocative statement.

Yeah, I guess the masses of americans defecting and giving up their american citizenship backs that up. Wait, that isnt happening is it?

In point of fact, we still have MOBS of people willing to do anything and everything to come HERE......

ok, I am confused now. I mean, if shesulsa said it, it MUST be true, but I cant find any evidence to back up her claim......

[ / sarcasm]

come on now.....

Please, keep the conversation polite and respectful.

-Ronald Shin
-MT Supermoderator
Sorry Gren, i was trying to be polite and respectful, while still making the point that that statement was provocative and, IMO unfounded. is simple sarcasm pushing it too far?

if that came across as impolite,or disrespectful, I apologize.
very provocative statement.

Yeah, I guess the masses of americans defecting and giving up their american citizenship backs that up. Wait, that isnt happening is it?

In point of fact, we still have MOBS of people willing to do anything and everything to come HERE......

ok, I am confused now. I mean, if shesulsa said it, it MUST be true, but I cant find any evidence to back up her claim......

[ / sarcasm]

come on now.....

Evidence? That would have been destroyed by the KGB. There are plenty of people who defected from the former Soviet Union who have told their stories. Nina Alovert told the story of Mikhail Baryshnikov in Russia and how he came to defect. And for your information, there have been Americans to defect from this country too. I'll be happy to do some research when you are and when you stop sniping at people just because you don't like what they have to say.
I wasnt sniping, I was pointing out that this:
"The cold war is now waged upon the citizenry." with the comparison to the KGB is inflammatory, and as far as I know, unfounded.
I wasnt sniping, I was pointing out that this:
"The cold war is now waged upon the citizenry." with the comparison to the KGB is inflammatory, and as far as I know, unfounded.
Thanks for rephrasing that. :) I have to meet friends for coffee, but I will try do some more concrete research on this later today.

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