Burglar tries to sue doctor who shot him


Sr. Grandmaster
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Most likely, this burglar's case is going to get squashed in short order.


Convicted burglar Kurt Prochaska is proceeding with his lawsuit against the doctor who shot him after he broke into the doctor's house.

On Tuesday, Judge James Welker scheduled a jury trial to start March 31, 2008. Both sides anticipated a trial of three to four days.

Prochaska, 39, was sentenced in March to eight years in prison and four years of extended supervision for burglary and felony criminal damage for breaking into Michael Rainiero's home on Linden Avenue on Halloween night 2005.

Prochaska actually fell through the ceiling of Rainiero's home after he had torn off a roof vent in what he claimed was an attempt to enter the home to use the bathroom.

If he wanted to use the bathroom, why didn't he just knock?
Yep, the bathroom excuse is lame, but I can't think of a better one.

It's unfortunate that nonesense like this ends up costing the accused and taxpayers money and time. What a waste.
Yes, this is a waste of time. Nobody invited this guy in, and now he tires to sue? Come on! Looks like the doc got cleared regarding the use of the gun, so thats a good thing. I'd be interested to know if it was the gunshot or the fall that caused the injury. Seems foolish to try to sue someone for your own stupidity, then again, in todays world, it shouldn't surprise me.
The doctor would've been better off killing the guy, but then that would've gone against his hypocritical oath now wouldn't it?
Sigh... stupid criminals.