Build your own defense budget

That was fun. Just for kicks I went "paleo-conservative" and put in what I thought Pat Buchanen and Richard Nixon would put in. I got the budget down to $245 billion and it STILL was higher than all of our allies put together. I put an emphasis on aggressive technology, but cut the fleet back considerably to two ocean coverage. I got rid of land nukes and put the nukes on the Trident subs (we can also launch them from any carrier and guided missle cruiser...something not mentioned on that page).

I wonder what we could do with that extra fifty billion a year? It'd be neat if there was an overall national budget page like this.


this is too much math for me...i get this semester off from a math first in two i'm letting that area of my brain go to sleep for a little bit
Tgace ... thank you for this link... I am currently on a wireless modem, I am looking forward to playing with it when I get back to my broadband connection.
Neat-o! While being (I think) pretty conservative, I cut $2.5 billion from the budget!

Woo! More money for Head Start!