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Bruce Lee Central


A friend of mine who knows some of you guys told me that you might be interested in my new website.

I don't want to steal anyone from this great site, but I'd really appreciate if you give me a visit or two.

It's at

It took me several months of really hard work and research before I could finish the site. Although there aren't many Bruce Lee pictures, I have included lots of information that's not available on any other Bruce Lee or JKD websites.


I checked it out, kinda cool but I gota point some questions for your polotics section..

A concepts Jeet Kune Do practitioner, by contrast, will usually lead with their weakest side. So for a right handed person this would mean leading with your left hand side, similar to an orthodox western boxer. Doing this allows the practitioner the opportunity to borrow from other martial arts without making any great alterations his or her fundamental technique (remember- the overwhelming majority of martial arts encourage the practitioner to lead with his or her weaker side!).

Ok I wouldn't realy consider myself to be a "concepts" person but if you were to genneralise JKD into two groups that's where I would fall.. Now I have read alot about JKD I know a few people who practice it and have talked to people from all over the country and I'm just wondering where you got that info because from my experience it is not accurate.

On a personal note, I sincerely hope that the Jeet Kune Do political crisis is resolved soon. If things carry on as they are, then I believe that Jeet Kune Do is in grave danger of becoming extinct within the next fifty years. This is not some over dramatic chit-chat, nor is this an attempt to conjure up some kind of shocking prophecy. Consider, for example, what has happened with the martial art of Ninjitsu. At one time Ninjitsu was supposedly the great martial art of the mysterious and highly skilled ninja clans who once roamed Japan. Now-a-days, it is highly doubtful whether there is one single authentic Ninjitsu practitioner living anywhere in the world! Clearly, as the years have gone by, the martial art of Ninjitsu has been gradually watered down and modified beyond all recognition. Yes, there are a handful of struggling clubs that profess to teach Ninjitsu. But these clubs seem to lack any real authority or authenticity. In fact, if the Internet search engines are anything to go by, they can't even agree on how to spell the word! Despite the high demand, Ninjitsu has become virtually extinct. We do NOT want Jeet Kune Do to go down the same kind of road!

Ok First there are "authorities" on "ninjitsu" that is to say there are people that are fairly skilled in what is commonly refered to as ninjitsu, not all the arts carry the same name (kinda like how some people call what they do JKD or JFJKD or JKDC or JFJKDGA or whatever else.). People don't agree how to spell it because it isn't a true english name but rather a translation between two languages who's characters don't match up 100% so realy there is no 1 right or wrong way.

there is always a "hyped art of the year" (or decade) and in that period of hype alot of people try to cash in on it, I think with ninjitsu you saw alot of hype than allthose people who were into the trend left for something else (probably from SE asia considering that was "new" in the 90s). Most of those false schools had to close and the few loud mouths left tend to drown out the few skilled people who were there all along, but the art hasn't realy weakened, it's just there isn't as much crap going under it's name. Now I could be wrong on that because I'm not involved in the art but from my perspective that's what it seems like. you might want to ask around on our ninjutsu forum about real teachers in it...
You raise some great points.

I only wish you'd brought them up on my forum (it took me ages to build and so far, it's pretty much empty!).
well I didn't for two reasons,

1: Thought it might look kinda rude going to another page and throwing out some comments that could be viewed as attacks as my greating, and

2: I was wondering if you were spam advertising on forums or if you actualy check up on your posts : )
Not at all! On the contrary, I really appreciate having guys like you pointing me in the right direction. I am no JKD expert and I absolutely welcome your comments.

And... as you can see, I'm not some faceless company, but just a simple (and real!) person was was merely trying to get a few hits on his site.


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