Brock And His Antics


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Jun 21, 2003
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A few related articles on the UFC 100 and Brock.

So, some people are questioning, whether Brock is ruining the image of the UFC, by flipping the crowd off, disrespecting sponsors, and dragging Danas image thru the mud in the course of all of this. One thing that caught my attention, was the fact that Dana claims that he was upset with what Brock was doing and saying. Well, lets see, last time I checked, the UFC was Danas baby, so I'd think that he'd have the say as to what people fight on his show. So, common sense would tell you, that you'd do a little background checking on your fighters. I mean, if Brocks actions were so bad, you'd think that during his wrestling days, he'd have done the same thing. I doubt people who act like he did, just started the day they signed with the UFC.

IMHO, I really didn't see anything wrong with what he did, due to the fact that I could name a number of fighters, whos actions could be questionable. Lets see....Tito and Ken Shamrock. They've had more than their fair share of ring antics. Tank mocked John Matua (sp) in UFC6, after he KO'd him. Dan Henderson, from the article, hit a KO'd fighter.

I think its safe to say that whether all of the drama that we see is real or not, fact of the matter is, is that it brings in viewers, which means it brings in cash, and lots of it.

So, I thought we could talk about this. For those that watched the fight, do you feel that anything that happened, was that over the top?
I think that rivalries are good, but actions like Brock's are way over the top. Of course that goes for all fighters, Brock isn't the only one who goes over the top.
I think that rivalries are good, but actions like Brock's are way over the top. Of course that goes for all fighters, Brock isn't the only one who goes over the top.

Agreed, and the rivalries, and antics, like I said, is what keeps the $$$ flowing in. I find it interesting, because I can't recall this much fuss being made over anyone else. IMO, he did nothing worse, unless I was watching a different fight, than the other people I've mentioned.
Over the top? Yes. Showing little class, if any? You bet. Will I threaten to stop watching the sport due to them? Heck no!

In fact, it might actaully bring in more viewers next time, an unfortunate indictment. However, other guys have done stupid things as well

For Lesner, it actually takes away from him dominating victory (thru size or skill dosn't really matter) over Mir.
Personally i think he let his emotions get over him. It was quite a accomplishment to beat Mir in the fashion that he did. The fans booed him alot and and what he did was his way of saying. I just beat a top notch player, and i dominated him. So take that !!! Who cares if his way of doing it was "over the top" i mean come on, its guys in a octagon beating the crap out of each other lol.
I guess I'm confused on the booing as well. What did the fans expect? Seeing that all of Brocks wins to date, have been via punches, this goes to show that he still, despite his size, strength and overall dominance, has a long way to go. In other words, yes, the G&P is fun to watch, but come on....where did the technical aspect go? That was one of the things I liked about Royce. Despite his size and being in what seemed like bad positions, he still worked for the arm lock, choke, etc. It was a more technical fight than what we see today. So, were the fans expecting a sub. from Brock? Remember the wrestlers that we saw back in those days, such as Severn and Coleman....not until later in their game, did we see submission attempts. IMO, Brock again, did nothing different than we've seen from other fighters..the G&P.

And again, I can't seem to recall as much fuss being made over the others that've acted in similar style. 99% of what we see, and I think this is where non-MMA people get the sour taste about MMA, is hype. Look at the WWE. Its like a soap opera. What I mean is, usually before one of their PPV events, something "big" happens on the weekly show, to leave the viewers on the edge of their seat, wondering what'll happen, and they know the only way they'll find out, is if they shell out the $$ to get the PPV, and ya know what? They shell out the $$$. LOL! Just like the UFC fans shell out the cash every month or so.

I don't care what Dana couldn't have bothered him that much, otherwise, every time there is a TUF show on, he'd be getting pissed at the childish antics that we see of those UFC hopefuls. Yes, Brock flipped off the crowd....and how many TUF hopefuls, drink, fight, swear and act like total idiots? I think I'd need another set of arms to count.

I think if Brock continues to work on his submission game as well as standup, he'll really be a force to reckon with.
Brock didn't start off acting like that. It's been developing since his debut.

He showed a lot of respect, especially to Couture, in the beginning.

I think he's just reacting to the fans and a lot of the fighters being so hard on him and questioning his skills. He's been fighting an uphill battle since day one due to his prior involvement with the WWE. Nobody seems to remember the guy was a collegiate wrestling champion.

I personally loved watching him beat the crap out of Mir after hearing all the garbage he said about Brock. If Dana's gonna allow and encourage trash-talking on that level to promote the fights, then he can't say a word about the aftermath that results. IMHO
I guess I'm confused on the booing as well. What did the fans expect?

I was watching with a large group of people, and we all felt that the booing was because Lesner continued to punch Mir in the face after it was very, very obvious that Mir was out. It was overly brutal, IMO, even for UFC. (Though I must say I'm a newbie UFC watcher.) Plus, Lesner is a big, ugly, scary mofo, and Mir's kinda cute (sorry, my ovaries are talking.) Mir's behavior after the fight was commendable, as far as I'm concerned. However, I did hear that Mir was talking trash before the fight, though I didn't hear it myself.

Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I think there should be honor and respect involved in sporting competitions. Trash talking disgusts me. I don't have a problem with competitors saying that they intend to win, or showing that they are pumped up for the fight, but this insult stuff is obnoxious. These guys are on display to the world--they should show their best side.
Mir didn't look so cute afterwards though. LOL

I did hear all the smack he was talking and IMHO, he asked for it.
I take it none of you saw the interview after the fight. Brock humbled up and apologized for his actions after the fight. He was obviously trying to save face and even had a bud light in front of him. He flat out said Dana came and had a face to face with him in the locker room. Pretty interesting. But also understandable. He did a good job explaining his actions and I can understand them. I really didnt see it as that big of a deal, but when the boss speaks, the troops fall in! But did you see mir's face..............WWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWW. he got knocked the f*** out MAAAAANNNN.
Flipping the crowd off, yeah I can understand, they were down on him.
Swearing is pain relief as discussed in another thread.
Stomping around the cage, yes, he is still cooling down from an adrenaline rush.
But championing a yellow fizzy American macro brew? Unforgivable!

Flipping the crowd off, yeah I can understand, they were down on him.
Swearing is pain relief as discussed in another thread.
Stomping around the cage, yes, he is still cooling down from an adrenaline rush.
But championing a yellow fizzy American macro brew? Unforgivable!


Quoted For Truth!! :roflmao:
Dana, Mir, a Coors rep, and Brock in a Hell in the Cell match. That'll settle things.
I think that it is all a small thing. Fedor is reportedly coming and he has BL in his sights. If it does happen, Brock will be forgotten in no time. After 4 or 5 rematches, to confirm that Fedor is the undisputed.
Dana, Mir, a Coors rep, and Brock in a Hell in the Cell match. That'll settle things.

I am putting money on the Coors rep, unless they throw a BL rep in the mix as well. Then itis anyones game.
I was watching with a large group of people, and we all felt that the booing was because Lesner continued to punch Mir in the face after it was very, very obvious that Mir was out. It was overly brutal, IMO, even for UFC. (Though I must say I'm a newbie UFC watcher.) Plus, Lesner is a big, ugly, scary mofo, and Mir's kinda cute (sorry, my ovaries are talking.) Mir's behavior after the fight was commendable, as far as I'm concerned. However, I did hear that Mir was talking trash before the fight, though I didn't hear it myself.

Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I think there should be honor and respect involved in sporting competitions. Trash talking disgusts me. I don't have a problem with competitors saying that they intend to win, or showing that they are pumped up for the fight, but this insult stuff is obnoxious. These guys are on display to the world--they should show their best side.

I'll have to watch the fight again. I think that the refs that they have do a great job, and IMO, part of their job is fighter safety and knowing when to stop the fight. I've seen some fights where one guy has actually looked towards the ref with the "Are you going to stop this fight or do I have to keep pounding the guy" look.

I taped the fight but got home from work in time to see the last half of the first round, so any smack talking was missed by me. However, I still maintain that past actions of fighters have shown that this happens all the time. It just strikes me odd, that so much fuss is being made about it by the media.
However, I still maintain that past actions of fighters have shown that this happens all the time. It just strikes me odd, that so much fuss is being made about it by the media.

Since Saturday was the 100th UFC match, the UFC themselves made a lot more fuss and a lot more hype over the match than the matches that have happened before. In return, I think there were more eyes on the match.

In addition, MMA fighting, while very popular, does not have the establishment that other sports do in the U.S., including boxing. I think as it gains in popularity, so will the scrutiny...particularly if viewers continue to skew to the younger side of the age bracket.
Yeah, UFC will make even more money if it starts down that road. It's known as appealing to the lowest common denominator. WWF, here we come.

Don't laugh at me...I have always watched UFC primarily because I thought it was the one televised fight that I could count on to have some semblance of class and dignity.

As a female, I was turned off by Brock's remark about his wife. If UFC is looking to alienate female viewers and make this a macho he-man's fight show, by all means, it should encourage behavior like Brock's.
Yeah, UFC will make even more money if it starts down that road. It's known as appealing to the lowest common denominator. WWF, here we come.

Don't laugh at me...I have always watched UFC primarily because I thought it was the one televised fight that I could count on to have some semblance of class and dignity.

As a female, I was turned off by Brock's remark about his wife. If UFC is looking to alienate female viewers and make this a macho he-man's fight show, by all means, it should encourage behavior like Brock's.

No doubt about it they probably lost some female viewership after this UFC.

Lesnar is an athlete/actor. Do not forget that he was paid to act in big time wrestling. Personally I think he realized that fans are not going to like him. He is the big beast and so he and his wife and a few others probably decided to take on the bad guy image and really go after it. it is to bad and it takes away some what from the great comradeship and sportsmanship that other athletes show. However, he is just one UFC fighter so hopefully this will not really blow up!
Its a least common denominator draw. There are obnoxious knuckleheads out there that will do anything for attention that may tune in just to see these dudes cut up for the camera.

Is it more money for the UFC? Could be, but that also means that pays more attention to the trash talk and drama than they do the quality and content of the fights. That takes away the motivation for putting on a decent match...which is what MMA fighting is supposed to be about.

The media in general loves drama queens, and as long as the UFC fighters are willing to distract from their ring performances with there pre-fight and post-fight emoting, the less attention is going to be paid to the fight itself. Its the UFC's call as to what balance they want. I hope in the end its something I want to buy.