Broad sword and single stick techniques by a Highland Officer...

Jonathan Randall said:
Interesting, and a good reminder that, even in the age of firearms, swords were used as defensive weapons against street crime.

Remember, though, that firearms technology back then were not as sophisticated. More misfires, and no more then 1 or 2 rounds could be fired. So, they had guns, but definatily had to rely on something else as a back up.
I am glad you guys found that interesting. Imagine my shock when I found out that anti-pugilism was about broadsword/singlestick:) I do have the original plates for the manuscript but can't quite see how I am able to post them
Ken Pfrenger said:
I am glad you guys found that interesting. Imagine my shock when I found out that anti-pugilism was about broadsword/singlestick:) I do have the original plates for the manuscript but can't quite see how I am able to post them

I think you have to be a supporting member to post pics. I would offer to do it if you sent them to me (just renewed my membership finally) but I don't want to overstep my bounderies.

However, that is such good content though that perhaps PMing the moderator (Johnathan Randell) and seeing if maybe he can help you get them up? Although, I do suggest a supporting membership as this is a great site and could use all the financial help it could get. Yet, until you decide to do that, I think that it would be valuable to see about getting those pics up anyway! :)