Britney Spears Reportedly Weds in Vegas.

Fantasy? or Night Terror ;) :eek:

The article reports that it was a joke gone too far.

They went straight to The Little White Wedding Chappel and asked to get married. Then they ahd to go get a license. This is a 20 minute ride to down town from the strip then you ave to wait inline, and believe me they do not care who is in line or how cute or how big you are. They even have a place for friends and body guards to wait. Only the applicants can get in to apply for the license.

My Whole point is that is is not that easy as just running into a chapel and getting married. Oh Well, if it was a joke, at least she had a good rehearsal ;)
Originally posted by arnisador
The latest news is that she's already seeking an annulment of the marriage.

Hmmmm, I wonder if I could find some nice young lady to just marry for the night?

Naw, Integrity Sucks ;)
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Hmmmm, I wonder if I could find some nice young lady to just marry for the night?

You joke, of course, but in some Islamic communities the like is done. This has become an issue in India as well, I understand--brief "marriages" arranged to gratify the needs of the (older, richer) groom that are dissolved after a week or two.

As to Britney Alexander, it isn't clear whether the marriage was consummated--you know her views on sex outside of marriage, and it isn't clear she views this as a true marriage--so let's not jump to any conclusions!
Originally posted by arnisador
You joke, of course, but in some Islamic communities the like is done. This has become an issue in India as well, I understand--brief "marriages" arranged to gratify the needs of the (older, richer) groom that are dissolved after a week or two.

As to Britney Alexander, it isn't clear whether the marriage was consummated--you know her views on sex outside of marriage, and it isn't clear she views this as a true marriage--so let's not jump to any conclusions!

True, we must wait for the offical report, :rolleyes: ;)

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