Brenden Foster


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Boy shares heartbreaking last wish

LYNNWOOD, Wash. -- Doctors gave 11-year-old Brenden Foster two weeks to live.
Those two weeks were up on Wednesday. On Friday, he shared his last wish.
Not yet a teenager, Brenden's time to die has come.
"I should be gone in a week or so," he said.
Brenden was the kid who ran the fastest, climbed the highest and dreamed of becoming a marine photographer. Leukemia took away all those things, but not his dying wish to help others.
"He's always thought about others. Never complained about having to go through this, ever," said his mother, Wendy Foster.
When Brenden was first diagnosed with leukemia, he and his mom began a new tradition. Every night they list three positive things that happened during the day, and they have to share a laugh. A chuckle will do, Brenden said, but a fake laugh will never do.
In the last days of his life, it was a homeless camp, namely Nickelsville, that captured the boy's heart.
"I was coming back from one of my clinic appoints and I saw this big thing of homeless people, and then I thought I should just get them something," he said.
Brenden is too ill to leave his bed and feed the homeless. He walked into an emergency room last December and hasn't walked since.
But Brenden's wish will not go unfulfilled. A group planned to gather in his honor on Friday night to make sandwiches and deliver them to the homeless.


From ABC NEWS (video is here ... partially captioned)

Foster Sees Charitable Wish Fulfilled

"He's always thought about the better of others, wanting to help others," said his mother, Wendy Foster. "He's never complained about having to go through this, ever."
In just two weeks, an 11-year-old boy, too sick to even work a paper route, has raised tens of thousands of dollars and brought in truckloads of donations to local food pantries.
"He's left a legacy and he's 11," his mother said. "He's done more than most people ever dream of doing just by making a wish and speaking his mind."
Foster lived long enough to see his dream come alive, before dying in his mother's arms Friday morning.
"Follow your dreams, don't let anything stop you," Foster said.
Ahh, my heart. Never a more braver human being has ever lived. May his dream last forever. There are none more unselfish than the children.
Please comment your thoughts, feelings.
I for one am still wiping the tears, not for the loss but for the spirit that lived in this boy that kept him brave and so loving to his fellow man.

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... and the great tragedy for the rest of us is, we'll never know just how much we've lost that the world would have had, had he lived long enough... :asian:
We all should be so strong...