Break Down?


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
In Pain
I am trying to cut a long story short...

Don't know if I mentioned it, last year my sister passed away, crowning a crappy year of loss and stress. Up until then I had been working out 2-3 times a week, teaching a couple after noons, all of that got scaled back, I was gone for 2 month to assist my mom and dad with the things that needed to be done (my dad's wife, too has cancer, sending him into a mega tail spin)

So, the last year was spend with coming to terms. And then it started, one thing after another keeping me out of the dojang, a cruddy cold that would not go away, an episode of a pinched nerve (I am thinking sciatica) more colds, more stress. Right now, after considering going back to working out, I am wondering if I am having rheumatism or something, my knees and legs have been killing me, for no obvious reason.

I did talk to my doc, sending me into a week of depression (no, all systems are go, but obviously stress does that to you, shutting you physically down as well.)

Any suggestions to keep from falling apart? Physically, I am covered on the mental deal - if you disregard the added pressure that I am now the only option for my aging parents and 2 young children, both, my own and my sisters...
I thaink maybe going to dojan at least to say hellow to your friends will be warm on you, try to go dojan and relax a little it will pay.

Firstly, my condolences to you regarding your sister. I was unaware of her passing.

Second, I am with Manny. Go to the dojang and get some time in a stress-free environ. Maybe get yourself moving and practicing will help some of the stress management.

In any case, I will keep you in prayer.

I second the condolences and prayers.

Manny's idea is a great one...just being in familiar surroundings with familiar people would probably work wonders for you.

Outside of that, whenever I get to the point of stressing out, it helps me alot to just clench my teeth and jump in with both feet into my training. I know everyone is different, but for me, I use the stress and pain, both physical and mental, as a catalyst.

Of course, if you're having problems with physical issues, I wouldn't suggest doing anything that would put your body at risk. But maybe try to work through what your body will allow.
One of my insuctors(and good friend) had a loss that she was having a hard time with and the only thing we her friends and students could do was be there for her. We got togerther to help her with work and her family. She said coming to the dojang helped her keep her head together. Im very sorry for your loss and I hope your fellow classmates can help.
Going to the training center is perhaps the one simple thing in my life: all problems in there can be punched, kicked, kneed or slapped away. I think it's the only place where I can fully relieve stress when my personal life takes a dive.

I've seen it time and again, the head instructor is almost like a therapist and a father confessor to the students. Teachers seem to be exceptionally good at listening. How fortunate we are that he is that kind of resource as well as the guy that can correct one's stance.

Maybe one of your senseis is somebody you can talk to like that?

Aside from that, I don't know how I could get through my problems without prayer.

Condolences for your loss.

You mention "rheumatism". If your GP cannot find a reason for the pain you are having then I recommend that you see someone else or a specialist.

I suffered for two years with pain and swelling is many joints while each instance was treated as an individual problem. It got to the point where I almost couldn't walk before I was referred to a Rheumatologist and diagnosed with arthritis. If you do have arthritis then it won't get better but it will continue to damage your joints. There are medications to stop this decline and greatly relieve the pain and swelling.
Nothing helps with stress release like geting to beat on a heavy bag. It is what I do to get calmed down.
My condolences.

I agree with everyone that maybe going to the dojang would be good. Regardless, you need to carve out some time for something just for you. It is especially important to do this with all the stress in your life. You need a stress free time.

Now, you probably won't be able to retunr to yourl old frequency of training...migh tnot be practical. Try not to beat yourself up over it. do what you need to do. be gentle with yourself. Get a .little training or something in. Eventually, you'll be able to settle on a comfortable routine.

My deepest sorrow goes out to you and your entire family.

Going to see friends and training partners is one of the best things we have, that is what is so great about TKD we are a family no matter what.
My deepest sorrow goes out to you and your entire family.

Going to see friends and training partners is one of the best things we have, that is what is so great about TKD we are a family no matter what.

Thanks to all of you. It is true, in TKD we are like family! My friends in the several schools I have contact to are very dear friends of mine!

I was going to drop in on one, but we are having weather issues again. You just gotta love Southern Spring weather...thunder storms and twisters...yeah!!!
My condolences on your loss.

I can't imagine the stress that you're feeling now. I agree with those that say stop by the dojang & say hello. I'd encourage you to visit with anyone &/or anywhere there are friendly faces & people you enjoy being with. I'd also encourage to "do something" physical every day. It may not be at the level where you once were, but stretching, walking... intentional moving will help with your stress level. Eat healthy, limit alcohol & take care of yourself. Do what you can do to take care of you.

You're in my prayers!
Thanks to all of you. It is true, in TKD we are like family! My friends in the several schools I have contact to are very dear friends of mine!

I was going to drop in on one, but we are having weather issues again. You just gotta love Southern Spring weather...thunder storms and twisters...yeah!!!

Yeah, I've missed class all week due to flash flood warnings and tornado warnings. I actually do love this weather, but there is such a thing as enough rain.

Where in the South are you? I'm down here in SouthWest Georgia...but you have to look under the water.
My condolences as well Gran. I know how difficult loss can make getting back to your 'normal' life, and I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts.

And, I have to agree with Manny as well (like everyone else), maybe a quick visit to the dojang to see your old friends would do a world of good for you in terms of getting motivated again and just seeing all the happy faces. You know that old 'Cheers' song, "Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came".
Yeah, I've missed class all week due to flash flood warnings and tornado warnings. I actually do love this weather, but there is such a thing as enough rain.

Where in the South are you? I'm down here in SouthWest Georgia...but you have to look under the water.

In Alabama. We got off easy last night :)
My condolences. I agree with everyone else working out is a great way to relieve stress, being with your friends and taking time for yourself is just what you need, everyone needs a pressur relief valve, and there's nothing like a workout to help take the edge off.
Sorry for your loss. I know that the family is the strongest support system there is.

Stay active to keep your mind from focusing to much on anything negitive. Spend lots of time with your kids (all of your kids, sisters included) and talk to mom and dad often. Enjoy your time with everyone.

Also keep in touch with close friends. Stay positive and focus on what you enjoy.

God Bless.
oh wow! I had no idea, so sorry to hear about your sister and what you and your family have had to go thru {{{{ HUGS }}}}.

I know working out is good for me mentally and physically, having 2 special needs kids I had to have something that was just for me.

As far as the knees I know a lot of people (myself included) take glucosomine and chondrotin (sp?) - I like to think it helps.
Just start slow it may take a little while to work back up to the level you were before, and maybe add some other type of strength training as well.
Just wanted to see how things were going for you.

Please post an update when you can.