Brazillian Jujuitsu vs wrestling


White Belt
Jun 25, 2009
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Wrestling:flame:vs:shock:Brazillian jujitu
wrestling is better because think about this in wrestling the object is to stay on top a takedown would finish off a brazillan jujitsuist than a wrestler has tactics that help them to get away alot faster than one wrestling move might make a him submit a hammerlock. A wrestler has a chance to make a brazillian jujitsuist the brazillan has no chance to out grapple or takedown a wrestler
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LOL I think I will take Rock since Rock easily beats scissors every single time.....
Hi Sterling welcome to Martial talk.

Style vs Style debates have been done to death:deadhorse

You are welcome to have your opinion but it is not so much the style but the practicer's ability to use it the most efficent that determines a winner.
Wrestling:flame:vs:shock:Brazillian jujitu
wrestling is better because think about this in wrestling the object is to stay on top a takedown would finish off a brazillan jujitsuist than a wrestler has tactics that help them to get away alot faster than one wrestling move might make a him submit a hammerlock. A wrestler has a chance to make a brazillian jujitsuist the brazillan has no chance to out grapple or takedown a wrestler
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I'll start by saying this post is hard to understand. If we look at the early UFCs, we'll see Dan Severn, Mark Coleman and Kerr, all wrestlers, excellent takedowns and control, however, they lacked the submission skills. Royce, who fought Severn, in UFC4, I believe, while he spent the entire time holding Severn in the guard, Severn could not finish Royce. Yes, that fight went on and on and on, but in the end, Severn tired and Royce moved in.

I've been held down by bigger and stronger guys while rolling, but I stayed relaxed and waited for the right time, and went for a sub or escape.
Same argument...different we go again :rolleyes:

:hmm: but what about pointed sticks

I give this a :deadhorse:deadhorse:deadhorse:deadhorse:deadhorse on the beat a dead horse scale

got to go...bye :ubercool:
Oh yeah? Well....PAPER! Now whatcha' gonna do, brother?

Paper? PAPER??? Isn't that cheating under the new world RSB League rules? I always forget about paper
Same argument...different we go again :rolleyes:

:hmm: but what about pointed sticks

I give this a :deadhorse:deadhorse:deadhorse:deadhorse:deadhorse on the beat a dead horse scale

got to go...bye :ubercool:

You, sir, have triangled and submitted the truth here!
Hi Sterling welcome to Martial talk.

Style vs Style debates have been done to death:deadhorse

You are welcome to have your opinion but it is not so much the style but the practicer's ability to use it the most efficent that determines a winner.

Bingo. In the end it comes down to the individual and their unique abilities to make what they do work!

Coke is better than Pepsi because it has more fizzies. It's a known fact to all that are awesome.
what makes a wrestler hard to handle is his "base". other than that, they are easily put into submissions because they are so "aggressive", which leaves them vulnerable.

but put the two together, wrestler's base with BJJ and now you got a tuff sonofabitch.
If you put a pure wrestler against a pure BJJ practitioner, the BJJ practitioner is going to submit the wrestler.

Wrestling is a phenomenal base (perhaps even the best base) for a well-rounded fighter though. Someone who trains wrestling, BJJ, and a striking art/s like Muay Thai or Boxing.