Orange Lightning
Purple Belt
Well, in terms of kicking, remember that generally the higher your knee, the higher the kick will end up being. I practice 'knee-raises' bringing the knee to my shoulder ten times per side everyday. As fast as you raise the knee, you should return it to where it started just as fast without dropping it or losing control. I have found that to help me quite a bit, especially to get my kicks higher.
In terms of having greater mobility, I have found that being on the balls of the feet works quite well. In kendo, the lead foot's heel is raised high, while the back foot's heel is raised just enough to slip a piece of paper under it. I have found this great because it allows me to move quit nimbly. Keep in mind that the less surface area in contact with the ground, generally the more freely is one is able to move. I liken it to a ball on the ground- it moves freely because it keeps only one point of contact with the ground.
This is what works for me and I hope it gives some food for thought, but I encourage you to experiment until you find what works best for you.
Sorry. Missed this post somehow.
I like that knee raising idea.
For the most part, I agree that movement is generally quicker the less foot you have on the ground. But for kicking off my front foot, maybe it's just my imagination, but I could swear it helps to have it my foot just barely off the ground. That way, I can throw my foot off the ground with my calve. I don't know though. Could be my imagination. It might just feel faster or harder. It's probably a lot more telegraphed.
I am indeed still experimenting with footwork. Although I move around a lot, I'm not very springy. Not sure if that's an advantage or a problem with my method. Good advice though.