Recently I met Master Hal Whalen in the school where he was teaching Hapkido in East Boston. What a great guy!! Hal was conducting classes at White Tiger Dojang in Eastie. I believe he was renting space. When I went back to participate in his class the school was closed.
Say it aint so!!!
Hal are you out there and if you are still teaching where did you go?
Stanley Neptune
I am not sure of your Schedule But I thougth you may find this of some interest.We did not just drift away we were regrouping
They sold the Building Dojang In East Boston and since I am from the south shore as are All of my students ,This where we will end up .I hope maybe you will seek us out again ,If not I hope we all is well in your world plus with the tunnel colapse's ,i am afraid to go north haha ,,, "Oh" I worked on that tunnel at least my lights did not fall
We have done everything we can to keep the prices Down It is $140 for two months which is about 50% cheaper than any School I know of in the area, Also A drop in
mat fee was decided upon $15 per workout .so as to encourage people to train more than once a week
We are all looking forward to getting back on the matand everyone seems very excited to once again be able to train. The official date is November 1 at 6:30-8:00 in the City of Quincy Central Middle schoool gym on Hancock st almost near the Quincy T station .Or within Walking distance.
It is nice starting out there are six 2ND Dans,three first Dans and several Red Belts which will make
starting off in a new location a lot easier.please feel free to drop in and Say "Hello"
Or you can reach me at
Hal whalen
Hal Whalen