Bokator in Philadelphia


White Belt
Feb 26, 2017
Reaction score
Hello. One short question: there are any fighting club/ fighting school in Philadelphia that offers Bokator fighting classes? On the internet, when searching on US sport websites there is nothing about it for ex. here -> Bokator United States - Zoptamo no info :( Bokator is a great martial arts, interesting and demanding and really want to train it. Can anybody help?
Bokator is a fairly obscure art. I'd be surprised if there was a school in Philadelphia. It's possible, but it would be a stroke of luck if you found one.

Have you trained Bokator previously or are you just interested because you've read about it or seen in in video?
Interested because seen it in the videos and read about it , haven't trained it earlier but it seems to be very nice alternative to muay thai (these arts are similar but bokator uses some great moves that you can't find in muay thai)