I'm looking for a bo staff for Kata. I was looking at the two piece ones, thinking that they would be easier for transporting. I have only used one piece maple ones, but I see there are lots of options in both one and two piece staffs. I would really like some input/pros and cons one piece vs two and the different materials used to make them.
I train in Yamanni Ryu Kobudo, where the bo is the main weapon. Given how the system strongly emphasizes long, flowing strikes, and continuity of bo movement, I have my own preferences.
I strongly recommend against using any of the multiple-piece bo, since each connection produces a weak link in the weapon.
Also, the uniformity of the bo is compromised, since they'll add metal inserts to reinforce the connections. That, plus seeing the shiny metal on a wooden weapon, looks cheesy...
A one piece bo is the best choice. There are many excellent choices for hardwood that you can use with a bo, and many of them aren't that expensive at all.
Hickory - Inexpensive, yet also really durable and resilient.
Medium price:
Brazilian Cherry - Also known as Jatoba, really hard and dense, beautiful wood.
Purpleheart - Beautiful purple color, really hard and dense, although if cut to 1" diameters, might experience some warping.
High price:
Brazilian Rosewood - A bit of an oily wood, hard and dense, but also has a really nice resilience to it.
Cocobola - Probably the most desired wood. Unfortunately, extremely rare and expensive.
My personal favorite is my Brazilian Rosewood, octagonally cut, 1" diameter bo. I've sanded it down with extremely fine grit sandpaper, and polished it up with some 000 steel wool. Right now, the finish is smooth, yet grippable.
Again, 1" may, or may not, be an optimal diameter for you. It all depends on personal preference.