In doing the basic block-check-counter drill stick on stick against a #1 strike, you step right, block right, check left, counter right.
In doing the basic block-check-counter drill stick on stick against a #2 strike, you step left, block right, check left, counter right.
In doing the basic block-check-counter drill empty hand on empty hand against a #1 strike, you step right, block right, check left, counter right.
In doing the basic block-check-counter drill empty hand on empty hand against a #2 strike, you step left, block left, check right, counter left.
Or maybe you don't in the last case--maybe you step left, block right, check left, counter right. This is one of the few areas of controversy I've found in the basic techniques: Do you block left because that hand is closer, or block right to keep with the pattern that in arnis we fight the same way whether we have a stick in our hand, a knife in our hand, a sword in our hand, or just our hand? I've found some people strongly believe that we must do it the same as if we had a stick in our hands, but I just feel more comfortable blocking with the forward hand--and for me it comes naturally out of de cadena.
In doing the basic block-check-counter drill stick on stick against a #2 strike, you step left, block right, check left, counter right.
In doing the basic block-check-counter drill empty hand on empty hand against a #1 strike, you step right, block right, check left, counter right.
In doing the basic block-check-counter drill empty hand on empty hand against a #2 strike, you step left, block left, check right, counter left.
Or maybe you don't in the last case--maybe you step left, block right, check left, counter right. This is one of the few areas of controversy I've found in the basic techniques: Do you block left because that hand is closer, or block right to keep with the pattern that in arnis we fight the same way whether we have a stick in our hand, a knife in our hand, a sword in our hand, or just our hand? I've found some people strongly believe that we must do it the same as if we had a stick in our hands, but I just feel more comfortable blocking with the forward hand--and for me it comes naturally out of de cadena.