Black Belt


Green Belt
Jan 19, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Well I received my Shodan about a month ago. It is funny how all the pieces seem to fall together right at the end! I had hoped to have some video but not just yet!!! When I have some I will figure out how to post it or at least a link to the video on here!!!!!

I am soooooooooo looking forward to the next phase of my training!!!!!! It has been a long five or so years!!!!
Congrats on the new rank..Yeah, its amazing that all the techniques you worried about forgetting were right there when you needed them...
Congrats SKB on achieving your BB! What an accomplishment and you deserve to feel proud.
A very, very late congratulations! Job well done! I look forward to following in your footsteps rather soon...optimistics.
Are you going to festival this year? If so I will see you there! I'll be the ugly one everyone likes to beat on!!!
well heres an even later congratulations. Hopefully there wont be too many years before i join you but its still a long ways off for me.

anyways anyone going to discovery, or having anything to say about To-Shin do. The section on this forum about it has really slowed down and im trying to jump start it by posting on everything I can.