Black Belt Thesis Advice


Master Black Belt
MT Mentor
Hello all:asian:

One of my instructors has suggested that I begin the process for my next BB test and thesis...thus,
I wanted to get some input and advice before I begin:

My goal in this thesis is to "update" or modify current techniques within the Shaolin Kempo System using American
Kenpo concepts. Over the years I have modified the system to include defenses against all sorts of attacks not just
the usual stepping through punch that is seen in almost all of the SKK techniques. In this thesis I wanted to compare
and contrast the "original" technique to the "modified" and show the concepts contained within. I will also be doing a
DVD illustrating and demonstrating the "changes". I will be focusing my attention to the 21 Self Defense Techniques and
10 Grab Defenses that are required for Black Belt ranking. My following thesis will focus on the 26 Kempo Punch Techniques
and the advanced Self Defense Techniques.

A few questions:

Do you think this type of thesis is valid/warranted for 4-5th Degree Black Belt?

What would you want to see in a thesis?

What overall suggestions do you have for someone submitting a thesis?

I really value your input!

Hello all:asian:

One of my instructors has suggested that I begin the process for my next BB test and thesis...thus,
I wanted to get some input and advice before I begin:

My goal in this thesis is to "update" or modify current techniques within the Shaolin Kempo System using American
Kenpo concepts. Over the years I have modified the system to include defenses against all sorts of attacks not just
the usual stepping through punch that is seen in almost all of the SKK techniques. In this thesis I wanted to compare
and contrast the "original" technique to the "modified" and show the concepts contained within. I will also be doing a
DVD illustrating and demonstrating the "changes". I will be focusing my attention to the 21 Self Defense Techniques and
10 Grab Defenses that are required for Black Belt ranking. My following thesis will focus on the 26 Kempo Punch Techniques
and the advanced Self Defense Techniques.

A few questions:

Do you think this type of thesis is valid/warranted for 4-5th Degree Black Belt?

What would you want to see in a thesis?

What overall suggestions do you have for someone submitting a thesis?

I really value your input!


In addition to a 10-15 page thesis,I had to perform 320 hours of volunteer work,my students as a whole had to combine for 80 hours of volunteer work,I had to perform various demonstrations at local schools (academic institutions) and dojos,I had to contribute something specifically and uniquely my own to my studies...something that all of my students peers and higher ups could benefit from.Something generally technical; specific sequences techniques and proofs. Of course,I had the mandatory sparring...and the sparring threw me against promising amatuer and pro boxers,kickboxers,kali guys,other kenpoists,MMA guys,and pretty much anybody else that the panel that my uncle assembled could throw at me. I had to demonstrate 5 new katas of my own creation,empty hand and armed. I had to not only demonstrate breakdown and justify every aspect of the katas,I had to "teach" my panel the katas...and field every scathing question that they had to ask.And Lordy...did they have questions. I had to demonstrate 10 drills of my own making demonstrating my facility with training anyone from white to black belt in the principles of Kenpo. I had to take spontaneous techs that my panel would call out or demonstrate,learn it,create drills for it and counter it...on the spot.

I launched my Youtube videos as part and parcel of my multidiscipline 5th dan certification requirements.

I,too,Sandan,am bringing my unique interpretation of shaolin kempo to DVD and youtube and I'm comparing,contrasting,streamlining,and combining Kenpo and SKK in both my forthcoming DVD series and my more modest YT videos...exactly as I'm doing with my other disciplines that comprise my ATACX GYM: Hapkido,Tang Soo Do,Taekwondo,Capoeira,Muay Thai,Savate,Boxing,Wrestling,Judo,Aikido,Hung Gar,5 Animals,American Wrestling,BJJ,Chin Na, etc etc. most of which I hold at least BB or Coach rank in.

Hope the above gives you an idea of what kind of undertaking you might be in store for.If I were your GM or on your panel? You'd definitely have to do the above. Holding 5th dan isn't the political orgasm that too many underqualified or wholly unqualified rank-chasers think it is...and I know that you know this.Old skool? Holding a single 5th dan is a significant undertaking which is the result of significant and exceptional effort,understanding,application,and proof unassailable of these principles permanently embedded in your lifestyle.Which you also know. The difficulty of this daunting undertaking is magnified that much more when you're trying to acquire 5th dans in multiple arts at the same time as I was.The only reason I went for it is because I value and savor the knowledge gained and the difficulty of the challenge...because I frankly give not a damn about rank.I value knowledge skill experience quality of character and all that jazz.That's why I refer to myself as a Coach,and not Professor or whatever the title is these days. Show and prove,and prove that you can show.

We good? Smoove. Holla at me.Lol.
Hello all:asian:

One of my instructors has suggested that I begin the process for my next BB test and thesis...thus,
I wanted to get some input and advice before I begin:

My goal in this thesis is to "update" or modify current techniques within the Shaolin Kempo System using American
Kenpo concepts. Over the years I have modified the system to include defenses against all sorts of attacks not just
the usual stepping through punch that is seen in almost all of the SKK techniques. In this thesis I wanted to compare
and contrast the "original" technique to the "modified" and show the concepts contained within. I will also be doing a
DVD illustrating and demonstrating the "changes". I will be focusing my attention to the 21 Self Defense Techniques and
10 Grab Defenses that are required for Black Belt ranking. My following thesis will focus on the 26 Kempo Punch Techniques
and the advanced Self Defense Techniques.

A few questions:

Do you think this type of thesis is valid/warranted for 4-5th Degree Black Belt?

What would you want to see in a thesis?

What overall suggestions do you have for someone submitting a thesis?

I really value your input!


Chris STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?!?!?! Shame on you! You're breaking one of the most sacred of all Kenpo rules....never change anything! Everything is perfect just the way it is! You must not know what you're doing, if you have to make all these changes!!!

LOL! Ok, I'm just joking here. :) What I said above, is what I always hear people say...well, lemme clarify, certain people, when the topic of change, modification, etc, comes into discussion. for your questions...the only thesis I've had to do, was for my 1st degree. Each test after that, has been unique in its own way. :) So, do I think this is a good idea for 4th or 5th degree? Sure. I say that because IMHO, its something that is very detailed, more detailed than what you'd see for a 1st degree thesis. I think the dvd is a good compliment as well. :) What suggestions do I have? Usually my suggestions are to pick a topic that relates to the arts. I've seen some where people visited other Kenpo schools and made comparisons to their Kenpo, I've seen some go to other non Kenpo schools and do comparisons on the arts. You already have the topic in mind, so you're set in that area. :) I'd say that attention to detail is also important, but given everything you're putting into the thesis, its already pretty detailed. Really, you could go into a ton of detail, so I'm sure you'll be fine.
In addition to a 10-15 page thesis,I had to perform 320 hours of volunteer work,my students as a whole had to combine for 80 hours of volunteer work,I had to perform various demonstrations at local schools (academic institutions) and dojos,I had to contribute something specifically and uniquely my own to my studies...something that all of my students peers and higher ups could benefit from.Something generally technical; specific sequences techniques and proofs. Of course,I had the mandatory sparring...and the sparring threw me against promising amatuer and pro boxers,kickboxers,kali guys,other kenpoists,MMA guys,and pretty much anybody else that the panel that my uncle assembled could throw at me. I had to demonstrate 5 new katas of my own creation,empty hand and armed. I had to not only demonstrate breakdown and justify every aspect of the katas,I had to "teach" my panel the katas...and field every scathing question that they had to ask.And Lordy...did they have questions. I had to demonstrate 10 drills of my own making demonstrating my facility with training anyone from white to black belt in the principles of Kenpo. I had to take spontaneous techs that my panel would call out or demonstrate,learn it,create drills for it and counter it...on the spot.

I launched my Youtube videos as part and parcel of my multidiscipline 5th dan certification requirements.

I,too,Sandan,am bringing my unique interpretation of shaolin kempo to DVD and youtube and I'm comparing,contrasting,streamlining,and combining Kenpo and SKK in both my forthcoming DVD series and my more modest YT videos...exactly as I'm doing with my other disciplines that comprise my ATACX GYM: Hapkido,Tang Soo Do,Taekwondo,Capoeira,Muay Thai,Savate,Boxing,Wrestling,Judo,Aikido,Hung Gar,5 Animals,American Wrestling,BJJ,Chin Na, etc etc. most of which I hold at least BB or Coach rank in.

Hope the above gives you an idea of what kind of undertaking you might be in store for.If I were your GM or on your panel? You'd definitely have to do the above. Holding 5th dan isn't the political orgasm that too many underqualified or wholly unqualified rank-chasers think it is...and I know that you know this.Old skool? Holding a single 5th dan is a significant undertaking which is the result of significant and exceptional effort,understanding,application,and proof unassailable of these principles permanently embedded in your lifestyle.Which you also know. The difficulty of this daunting undertaking is magnified that much more when you're trying to acquire 5th dans in multiple arts at the same time as I was.The only reason I went for it is because I value and savor the knowledge gained and the difficulty of the challenge...because I frankly give not a damn about rank.I value knowledge skill experience quality of character and all that jazz.That's why I refer to myself as a Coach,and not Professor or whatever the title is these days. Show and prove,and prove that you can show.

We good? Smoove. Holla at me.Lol.

I would love to have you on my board, Coach Ras, and if you make me a list of qualifications I will be sure to complete them. I am giving myself a 1-2 year time frame to complete my thesis and DVD series. In that amount of time i also have to take care of a few medical things (mostly loosing weight) and getting in shape. Once my thesis and DVD's are done I will be collecting letters of recomendation to go along with my thesis that I present to the board. The fun part is finding folks to sit on the board! I am an outcast in SKK circles because I am not in their organization, which requires me to look outside for promotions. This thesis represents a lifetime goal of reaching 5th Dan, I figure if someone wishes to promote me, so be it! But I won't be looking for it! Just sharing with ya'll my reasons for preparing my thesis.

I just finished the thesis and the companion DVD, tomorrow they are being e-mailed and snail mailed for review by some seniors!
