Bitter/Sweet. Brits get one on the nose!


MT Mentor
Dec 17, 2008
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As all educated readers will understand, the Ashes have gone cold and a new fire has been kindled in the One Day International Cricket Series recently won by the Aussies 6-1.

Obviously the Ashes will make a comeback sometime in the future when Australia, like England has had the opportunity to bring in some new players from overseas like Uzeman Afzall (Pakestan), Kevin Pietersen (South Africa), Nasser Hussain (India) etc. (What happened to home grown?

In the meantime, an exciting new rivalry has developed between Australia and the Old Foe.

MarmalAshes! The results are in!!!

"REVENGE is sweet - bitter-sweet with a tangy aftertaste."

The result has ''caused distress the length and breadth of England''.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Whoo boy. I don't have to take sides, do I?

ROFLKLITA! I was ready to begin sharpening the keyboard-shaped-katana as I formulated a suitably scathing Empirical response ... but I made sure to read the article first :lol:.

I do concede that that is a great and unexpected victory for the Aussies, aye. No denying that. English marmalade, as British Naval Power once was, is the envy of the world. Noone else has the knack of combined bitter and sweet quite like us ... until now it seems.

Chalk one up for our cousins - well done {polite applause masking the sound of daggers being drawn :)}.

Oh and Carol, if you wish to choose a side, I am sure that neither we of the Home Country or those of our old penal colony {:p :D} will object if you were to elect to cheer on everyone :).
What? are you guys racing bugs now?
Apparently we Canadians are the only uncivilized ones of the Commonwealth nations that trace our lineage to Britain.

Too much exposure to American baseball, I wager.

Apparently we Canadians are the only uncivilized ones of the Commonwealth nations that trace our lineage to Britain.

Too much exposure to American baseball, I wager.


Baseball and golf are just things to do while the hockey players take a summer break.
What? are you guys racing bugs now?
Well, there are books run on flies climbing up the wall and cane toad racing has replaced the sport of kings in Darwin. Personally I can't wait for the Tiddly Wink World Championships at Cambridge next year. We hope to displace the US as challenger to be world champion.

Britain may not be world class at footie, tennis or cricket but it has proved it's top at tiddlywinks.
Once more: ROFLKLITA!

We rock!
KUTGW! U R A WOG! @TEOTD POMS & Aussies A41&1FA.


T2UL8R, AAYF K! :asian:

Hope the mods don't report me to the AAAAA! TIGAS?

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