Bi-weekly classes



I was just wondering how much I can expect to pick up if I take semi-private Muay Thai lessons every other week. Of course going more would be ideal, but time and money are an issue, as I train primariliy in bjj. I am hoping that I can pick up some basics with good lessons every few weeks and do a lot of practicing on my own. Master K (in NJ) is who I would be taking lessons from, and he said that he does give you some "homework" to work on your own.

Just wondering if the basics in MT is something that isn't too hard to pick up. I am not looking to be a MT fighting champ or anything. Just would like to have some good basic stand up skills. Plus doing some striking drills at home would be good for exercising and stress relief
Besides, I can't really practice bjj enough on my own at home at a pace that would be a good workout, so I might as well work on something else when not doing bjj.
Muay Thai is easy to practice at home, if you are getting the fundamentals at your classes. However, just Like your Bjj their is no substitute for an actual training partner. It is alot more difficult to throw a good power shot when you are avoiding one.

Train as often as you can, and I hope that you enjoy it. I feel like you made the best choice if you are looking for good stand up and striking skills