Beware the Tai Chi gang

My wife sent me the link and I thought it was pretty funny, albeit too brief. Gotta love the conceptual humor.

I used to make the same joke that the cartoon makes. I also jokingly told people that I was beat up by muggers with baseball bats, but that it took the attackers several hours to knock me down since they were using those foam Nerf bats.
:mad: Go on making fun of tai chi till...
you ->:snipe2: <-me :lol:



That was pretty funny. The animation was very good, as well.

Good one..just you all watch out! We Tai Chi folk may soemday rule the world with gangs like that one!;)

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

too cute
You say that now but wait until they attack you one night then you'll be sorry.:D
I'm usually running around so much, they won't be able to catch me. :D
LOL.. funny :) beware at night for the tai chi ninja.. hee hee
:D that was pretty cool, do they do anymore or anyone know of any more cool cartoons like that?

.....beware the evil Tai Chi gangs!!

It may take some time, but when they connect, WATCH OUT!!


:rofl: :rofl:

Yeah, go ahead and get sassy -

you all are just lucky we do move slowly:D

Slow but lethal -

That was good. :D My girlfriend was standing behind me when I clicked the link. We just looked at each other for a second and laughed. :rofl:

take care