Best Workout for Men Over 40

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
Best Workout for Men Over 40 < Video

As we age, maintaining muscle mass is critical to prolonging the most basic physical functions. The ability to climb stairs, walk without assistance, or stand up from a seated position can be the difference between living independently and needing around-the-clock assistance. And after age 40, muscles begin to naturally deteriorate and lose elasticity unless you work to maintain them. In this episode Dr. Stork reveals the best exercises for the upper body and the lower body when you hit the big "Four-Oh." And find out the aerobic exercises that won't do damage to your joints and muscles. - Dr. Travis Stork

So what do you think....And I will ask if you are 40 or over :EG:

Me > 50
I agree with that doc for the most part. And we should probably differentiate between a martial artist who has been training all along and a person over 40 who hasn't been doing much of anything. I think he should have mentioned flexibility exercises as well. Not the crazy stretching some of us do in the arts, just basic stretching to stay limber. Nearly to a man, health people (docs, chiros, physical therapists, acupuncturists, coaches etc) have told me flexibility in the ageing body is key. I'm 62.
Unfortunately this video comes up with a tag that says it is unavailable here. What does the video show?
I agree with that doc for the most part. And we should probably differentiate between a martial artist who has been training all along and a person over 40 who hasn't been doing much of anything. I think he should have mentioned flexibility exercises as well. Not the crazy stretching some of us do in the arts, just basic stretching to stay limber. Nearly to a man, health people (docs, chiros, physical therapists, acupuncturists, coaches etc) have told me flexibility in the ageing body is key. I'm 62.

Totally agree, I have lost so much flexibility dealing with my knee injuries and my hip its not funny, and that lack of flexibility was been making a big difference in just about everything. Much the reason why I started Yoga again.
At every stage of life you do what you can do. The secret is to keep moving stay active and continue to train and workout. Listen to your body and do what you did when you were 40 or 50 years younger but just do it sensibly. I train martial arts, work full time and have a part time job.
I'm 71 years old...............
I am 40 I workout pretty much the same as everybody else.

I am just not as good.

Today will be half an hour of sprints followed by sparring.
At every stage of life you do what you can do. The secret is to keep moving stay active and continue to train and workout. Listen to your body and do what you did when you were 40 or 50 years younger but just do it sensibly. I train martial arts, work full time and have a part time job.
I'm 71 years old...............

That so rocks.
I'm almost 70. Lost much of my flexibility at about 60 but that may be because I started having my students lead exercises and basics in class at that time and did less myself.
Lost more after my stroke but it is coming back ever so slowly.
I noticed my strength was declining slowly over the years but if I kept working out it was still at a high level. No I did not have 18 inch biceps anymore but my arms and legs still had good mass and definition compared to those that did not work out.
I think that most martial artsiest that work out on a regular bases stay in pretty good condition