Best Scientific Martial Art books ?

This is an old thread but the topic continues to arise.
There is a new book that's titled Parting the Clouds - The Science of the Martial Arts.
It is getting very good reviews in Amazon, including one from Hall of Fame member Loren Christensen.
Amazon has a 'look inside' feature and there is information on web site that includes the quantified force and speed that can be expected from a range of kicks and punches.
The website also carries the list of references used by the author, who is a 4th degree black belt and a Master of Science.
Hope this helps.
In my jujitsu days Feldenkrais was every where. All the PT and OT I have ever asked were fimiliar with him and his theories. He is well worth reading and his technique are worth doing. Others that followed him have improved his systems. But he was ahead of his time.

Also I would look at Yoga books. It's important to stretch, keep your back and spine safe.
On Single Combat - Keith Kernspecht.

This books explains a lot about fighing in clubs and bars and why some people are chosen as victims by bullies and has some excellent self-defence techniques and advice.