Best Christmas gift ever


Master Black Belt
Sep 29, 2005
Reaction score
Huntington, WV
With the holiday season here, I thought I'd open an appropriate thread.

What is the best Christmas gift you ever received?

Answers like "my children" don't count because we all know they're priceless. Otherwise, it can be any product, services, event, or gesture from any part of your life.
Nice thread concept..

Last year spent got married on Dec 18th. Went to New Orleans over Christmas. Took a little tree, some presents, christmas CD's and had a great time! NO got snow (well, it was more like ice) for the first time in over 50 years! We stayed in all day, had room service (seafood and creme brulee!). In the evening, we celebrated my wifes birthday, which is also on Christmas day :)

In retrospect, its extra memorable, since NO is no longer fully functional. Things will likely never be the same again..
I married my wife on December 23rd. It may sound cliche; but, she is the bestest gift :)
My best Christmas gift so far was simply a picture that my sister-in-law drew for me last year. The fact that she took the time to personally create something for me was touching. The subject of the picture showed that she understood me beyond the surface of what other people understood.

It was a far more moving gesture than the usual gifts of dvds, clothes, and such that I get from other people (including my wife). It showed insight into my character and an appreciation for what she saw.

I think it may be topped this year though by simply being able to spend Christmas with my children. I know that doesn't count based on my previous rules. I only did that because everyone should be able to place that first.

But, this is the first year that my children understand enough about Christmas to be excited. Experiencing that joy with them, making it also the first Christmas I've ever looked forward to, is something special.
I was very excited about a bike I got for Easter one year...Christmas was always good, but the bike stands out.
Custom made nunchakus and custom made bo staff! (yeah, gifts to "myself" from my husband, but hey!! At least he knows I'd be very happy with them!)

- Ceicei
Navarre said:
Did he make them out of dowel rods or what?

My husband didn't make them. He got them for me. They were custom made in purpleheart from a wood shop down in Florida. I was able to request how I wanted them with my measurements and the specific type of finish (for the nunchakus, the number of links in the chains).

- Ceicei
Ceicei said:
My husband didn't make them. He got them for me. They were custom made in purpleheart from a wood shop down in Florida. I was able to request how I wanted them with my measurements and the specific type of finish (for the nunchakus, the number of links in the chains).

Oh, that's cool. Nice gift.

So what did you request? Any special finish, design, etc?
Navarre said:
Oh, that's cool. Nice gift.

So what did you request? Any special finish, design, etc?

I had my two nunchakus as octagon style, with linwood oil finish so that they can absorb sweat without becoming sticky. (Shellac or lacquer will get gummy from the salt and sweat from the hands and will fracture and flake off, especially if struck. I do practice actual hitting with the nunchakus). I had the option of having inlay put in, but I wanted them plain. My bo staff is the standard 6' round, also with linwood finish.

- Ceicei
This year had to be the best (so far), I got the entire series of Trigun on dvd, a close second would be The Wizard of Oz on dvd.
The best gift I got this year- it's not something wrapped up, not something to use for myself, etc. It's more of my oldest brothers gift- he finally has his family together. The kids had a real rough couple of years while under the supposed care of their biological mother, and now they're safe and happy, and acting like what kid's are supposed to.
:wink1: :wink1: :wink1: my best christmas gift this year would have to be getting to spend time with my family and friends. and the Brothers Grimm movie that i got from sombody sp
Well my favorites , I guess would have to be my tiger slippers, I love tigers, and my Tiger statue, and my Tiger Picture. Also I had gotten a little something from a girl I like so that was real special to :)
Navarre said:
With the holiday season here, I thought I'd open an appropriate thread.

What is the best Christmas gift you ever received?

Answers like "my children" don't count because we all know they're priceless. Otherwise, it can be any product, services, event, or gesture from any part of your life.

Best Christmas gift ever. In late April 1975 I pulled a badly injuried and burned airman from a burning plane which had taken a direct hit from a mortor shell at Tan Son Nhut, S. Vietnam. I recieved a christmas card from one of his grand-daughters two years ago thanking me for helping save his life. To know my actions, which helped someone else who was in far greater need than I, was/is appreciated by another generation who has no knowledge of who or what I am and that they went out of their way to find me and to say thank you is the Greatest gift I have ever recieved. No material thing can ever be as good.

Danny, that is indeed a great gift. It is something wonderful that you earned. I'd like to think that our best gifts would be something beyond material goods.
The best Christmas gift would have been a call from my 21 yr. old daughter--sigh. For all you sons and daughters out there, that is what a mother who is far away really wants. Better yet she would like to see you! TW