Best cardio training for a CMA ?


2nd Black Belt
I wanted to ask all the experts here what they would recommend for good cardio routines. Let's keep in mind that I am 32 5"11" about 30 pounds overweight. ( About 215) , so actually might be more like 35-40 :P . I am smoke free for about 4 months but when I get into cardio I gas waaaaaay too soon. Part of my goal in getting into MA again was to get in shape, granted I have only been back for 2 months , but I refuse to let my crappy cardio condition get in the way. What can you fine folks recommend I do? I also have been training really hard at my school , but want to incorporate weights, and cardio as well into my routine. I do not want to "overtrain" though. Any pointers are certainly appreciated.
I can't speak for anyone other than myself. I started out just walking for a bit every day (15 min. to a half hour). After a month or so of this, I noticed that I am less winded during training. This summer I have started to swim laps in addition to walking and hope to start light jogging later on. BTW, I am 50 years old and currently about 25 pounds overweight for my height and built. since I started walking 4 months ago...I have lost 14 pounds. One thing though watch what and how you eat. that will make a difference too...especially when it comes to energy.

- Jeff -
Start off slow maybe walk 30 mins for a week maybe 3 or 4 times.

Next week 20 mins walk 10 mins light jog 3 or 4 times a week.

Week after 15 min walk 15 min jog.

And so on. You can adjust it just don't cheat yourself.

Maybe write it down to keep track of your progress.
Xue - I am studying Northern Longfist.

Then I suggest the best cardio is Northern Long Fist itself. Do the form over and over again. Work at doing the form properly and get cardio all at the same time

I did Shaolin Long Fist years ago and it was pretty good cardio all by itself.
Jump rope.


Do burpees. :)

What the heck is a burpee ?

I do plan on picking up a jump rope this weekend though. I do agree that Shaolin Longfist in itself is great cardio but I am looking for other things to do as well. Just to give me a little variety. I appreciate all the feedback though. Got my 2nd belt test next week so I am gonna train hard :)
What the heck is a burpee ?

I do plan on picking up a jump rope this weekend though. I do agree that Shaolin Longfist in itself is great cardio but I am looking for other things to do as well. Just to give me a little variety. I appreciate all the feedback though. Got my 2nd belt test next week so I am gonna train hard :)

Burpees are... well, they're painful (but effective), that's what they are!

From Wikipedia:

  1. Start in a push up position.
  2. Do one push up.
  3. Quickly jump feet forward to a squatting position, like in a squat thrust.
  4. Jump high into the air, bringing your knees up to your chest & raising your hands above your head.
  5. Land with feet together, on the balls of your feet..
  6. Drop back to a squat.
  7. Jump feet back to a push up position.
  8. Repeat many times.
You can always come in train with me and in a month you would be in cardio fit for anything.
You can always come in train with me and in a month you would be in cardio fit for anything.

1 month to undo a decade of abuse on my body ? Yikes, you won't be cutting off any limbs right to lower my weight ? :P Sounds like a month from hell. I sadly have to many commitments , work, apt. , pet, etc....... to be able to take a month off. Somes excercise recomendations would be great though.
Burpees are... well, they're painful (but effective), that's what they are!

From Wikipedia:
Burpess sound pretty intense. I take they are called that because they smoke you , and you end up puking after? If that is the case I will sure to be outside when I try these.
Start out with walking. It may sound kind of boring, but it will begin to increase your cardio fitness. You will find yourself less winded over time. If you go straight to hard core cardio at this point, I think you'll end up frustrated. Any cardio is good cardio. Take it slow and work your way up. Also, Xue's suggestion of just training, is excellent. :asian: You will find it becoming easier. Congratulations on the smoking cessation! :)
Start out with walking. It may sound kind of boring, but it will begin to increase your cardio fitness. You will find yourself less winded over time. If you go straight to hard core cardio at this point, I think you'll end up frustrated. Any cardio is good cardio. Take it slow and work your way up.
Jade Tigress has offered some excellent advice here. Doesn't have to be every day either--may just two of the days a week when you don't train. Remember, you have to take some time to rest and recover, too, especially the first year or two.
Also, Xue's suggestion of just training, is excellent. :asian: You will find it becoming easier.
I practice a CMA, too, and every time I work out with a partner, I'm in better shape. Don't let the number of reps become an obstacle, though. Not all of us can be Xue. ;) I notice the hardest workouts for me are the ones involving a partner, because someone else will always push us harder than we'll push ourselves (learned that from an old boxing coach in the 60s--over and over again).

Congratulations on the smoking cessation! :)
Second that. :asian:

Could you do us a favor and give us updates every few months or so? It's inspiring for some of us to keep pluggin ourselves to hear about other's successes--even failures, cuz they're just part of success. :D
Not all of us can be Xue. ;) I notice the hardest workouts for me are the ones involving a partner, because someone else will always push us harder than we'll push ourselves (learned that from an old boxing coach in the 60s--over and over again).

It has nothing to do with me... it is more fear of my sifu :whip:
1 month to undo a decade of abuse on my body ? Yikes, you won't be cutting off any limbs right to lower my weight ? :P Sounds like a month from hell. I sadly have to many commitments , work, apt. , pet, etc....... to be able to take a month off. Somes excercise recomendations would be great though.

Get yourself a 15lbs medicine ball, run with it, kick while holding it do squart thrust and while getting back up, have someone throw you the ball. Bag work 15 minutes on and only 30 seconds rest, do five sets every other day. Also do alot of short sprints and light jogging in between.

There are a few for the moment.
It has nothing to do with me... it is more fear of my sifu :whip:
Yeah, I hear that. :D

Get yourself a 15lbs medicine ball, run with it, kick while holding it do squart thrust and while getting back up, have someone throw you the ball. Bag work 15 minutes on and only 30 seconds rest, do five sets every other day. Also do alot of short sprints and light jogging in between.
Advice from a true Professional. :bangahead:
Get yourself a 15lbs medicine ball, run with it, kick while holding it do squart thrust and while getting back up, have someone throw you the ball. Bag work 15 minutes on and only 30 seconds rest, do five sets every other day. Also do alot of short sprints and light jogging in between.

There are a few for the moment.

Oh sure go old school on him :D

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