Being Thankful

For me it is always for Family and friends, but this year I am so Thankful that my oldest son has given so much of his time for helping out others. To me this is a big bonus that I do not need to tell him about spending time at the shelter and at the mission helping, he just wants to be there for himself.
I too am always thankful for Family and Friends! That is in the end what makes the world go around.
I am thankful I am still alive.
I am thankful my wife still puts up with me.
I am thankful my teacher does not think I am that much of a goof.
I am thankful for this site because it gives me something to do.
Health, the opportunities to help others, and the abilities to recognize their needs, family, the ability to set aside ego and say I am sorry, when I have offend someone.
What are you most Thankful for this Holiday season?

I am healthy.

I am able to do what I want to do physically.

I have a job.

I am able to pay my bills.

I have friends and family alive and living their lives but that I can worry about.
I'm thankful that my niece did so well at basic training (graduated with honors!!) and that she hasn't been deployed (yet), that my nephew at college is doing well.

I'm thankful that I'm still employed and that I'm of strong enough health and means to travel out of state and celebrate Thanksgiving and my upcoming 40th birthday with the folks that would appreciate it mom and sister.

I'm thankful for all my friends, and all the folks that have cheered me when I've done well, tried to help me up when I was down, kicked my butt when I was stagnant, and forgave me when I was a jerk.

I'm thankful for Bob and the MT staff help us all come together and share whats on our minds...even when we disagree.

And I'm thankful for the huge turkey my sis has in the oven....hope everone has a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
Well even though my turkey day has come and gone, I am still thankful that I have had the experiences in life that have made me the person I am today and that I have a wonderful husband who loves me and two beautiful daughters who keep me laughing and keep me striving to be better.

I also love me friends. They are great and sometimes I forget to tell them how much they really mean to me. :)
Well even though my turkey day has come and gone, I am still thankful that I have had the experiences in life that have made me the person I am today and that I have a wonderful husband who loves me and two beautiful daughters who keep me laughing and keep me striving to be better.

I also love me friends. They are great and sometimes I forget to tell them how much they really mean to me. :)

Something about Canada and having their Thankful Day in October, makes me thankful for my Canadian Friends.
I'm thankful for my dog, my friends, and my home. My family... some days I wonder!
Note: Canadian Thanksgiving was last October, so I hope you won't mind my chiming in.

I am thankful for

  • a healthy, loving and supportive family
  • going to work each day
  • having the freedom to express opinions that I cannot factually prove
  • being allowed to learn from mistakes; though the learning is often slow
  • being alive
  • knowing that I have two weeks off come Christmas
A very Happy Thanksgiving to my neighbours!
I'm thankful for the good things happening to my friends.

And I'm thankful for the moments of respite for the friends who are going thru tough times.
Note: Canadian Thanksgiving was last October, so I hope you won't mind my chiming in.

I am thankful for

  • a healthy, loving and supportive family
  • going to work each day
  • having the freedom to express opinions that I cannot factually prove
  • being allowed to learn from mistakes; though the learning is often slow
  • being alive
  • knowing that I have two weeks off come Christmas
A very Happy Thanksgiving to my neighbours!
Nope, sorry... Canadians aren't allowed to be thankful today. :p

In a more serious vein -- I'm thankful for my wife and family. I'm thankful that I work with some of the best cops I've met, doing a job that's exciting and still interesting -- and that we keep coming home at the end of the day. And I'm thankful for that every day!

I'm thankful that, as we enter these trying economic times, I'm still employed -- and likely to stay that way.
  • having the freedom to express opinions that I cannot factually prove
Gordon Nore, I always find something in your posts that makes me say, YES! Makes me celebrate the the right to be wrong sometimes.

And I am thankful for the many many coincidences through time that have allowed me to exist. I am here, I am alive right now and I am enjoying as many moments as I can.

And of course, friends, family (when I am not imagining myslef pummeling some of my brothers-they're way huger than I, so it's all fantasy), and my dear dogs.
What am I most thankful for? My wife and children. I have often wondered why God decided to give me such wonderful people, of whom I am absolutely unworthy. A close second is being thankful for existance itself, without which no one would have anything to be thankful for in the first place. Being is always better than non-being.



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