Last night my instructor asked me " hows your first form?" I said "not bad" he said "ok show me" so i did and then he made me drill that form to the lover grades, the little kids! Boy was that so hard. Thats the first time I have done any major teaching. Before I did some of the class warmups but that was just such a nightmare. Being someone who likes to stay in the background, who is a little shy I did find the whole situation difficult, because children have a shorter attention span and trying to control everything, trying to correct them and stop them from messing around was a complete nightmare. I now understand why my instructor shouts sometimes and does the things he does with us! I don't think I would enjoy his job. But because I am getting further with my training, as I am now a higher grade I am expected to assist him every so often but I don't particularly enjoy it. I don't really see myself becoming an Instructor. I don't mind teaching one or 2 kids but any more than that gets really stressful. In the past I have enjoyed showing children of my mums friends certain techniques in the comfort of my home without being around so many other students, just self defence techniques.
I can do one on one really well, I know I can but a whole class is a totally different thing. But maybe it will be good therapy for me to do that once in a while. Its just last night I didn't feel very confident doing what I was doing.
I can't turn around to my instructor and say I would rather not do it because I think that would be disrespectful and do respect him.I know he has his reasons as he as a great deal of experience. Last night I was expected to make them do pressups or situps if they misbehaved or didn't do as i said. But I was too nice! I was afraid of pushing them too hard and causing injuries.
Has anyone here been made to do some teaching, did you enjoy it, did it go to your head or has it helped you?
I can do one on one really well, I know I can but a whole class is a totally different thing. But maybe it will be good therapy for me to do that once in a while. Its just last night I didn't feel very confident doing what I was doing.
I can't turn around to my instructor and say I would rather not do it because I think that would be disrespectful and do respect him.I know he has his reasons as he as a great deal of experience. Last night I was expected to make them do pressups or situps if they misbehaved or didn't do as i said. But I was too nice! I was afraid of pushing them too hard and causing injuries.
Has anyone here been made to do some teaching, did you enjoy it, did it go to your head or has it helped you?