Beijing or not BeijingĀ… That might be the question.

upnorthkyosa said:
Hey! You are stealing my families idea! Our move may or may not be permanent though. It is, however, in our five year plan.

Who stealing it Kensai or me? :)
Xue Sheng said:
Good points, more to consider, Thanks

All except for the Cell phone part, I hate cell phones :)

Me too mate. Mine's a knackered old block, I get frowned upon in the UK for not having the latest BBNHDF2000 - breakfast making, sexy super slee....YAWN.....k phone. Soooo so shallow. ;)

You ever watched rugby by the way? I'm on a mission to educate Americans to the charms of this game. :)
Actually, sometimes New Zealand sounds pretty good...maybe we'll all meet up there someday.

I agree about the cell phones. I hate 'em, and I refuse to get one. Don't want the damn thing. Bloody electronic leash, is all it is.

Ray Bradbury, Science Fiction author, wrote a short story about how modern gadgets and gizmos like cell phones make our lives crazy. It's called "The Murderer", and it was published in his volume "S is for Space", back in the 1950s. Even tho the story was written so long ago, it is just amazing how accurately he envisioned the future, and how annoying he knew it would become. Cracked me up when I read it. It's a beautiful piece!
Kensai said:
You ever watched rugby by the way?

Yes I have, actually a friend of mine played it when he went to College in Boston.

I kinda sorta played it once myself. Actually it was suppose to be soccer, but it was with a bunch of martial artists, so it ended up more like a cross between Soccer, Rugby, Wrestling and Sparring. It was one of the greatest games I ever played.
Flying Crane said:
Actually, sometimes New Zealand sounds pretty good...maybe we'll all meet up there someday.

I agree about the cell phones. I hate 'em, and I refuse to get one. Don't want the damn thing. Bloody electronic leash, is all it is.

Ray Bradbury, Science Fiction author, wrote a short story about how modern gadgets and gizmos like cell phones make our lives crazy. It's called "The Murderer", and it was published in his volume "S is for Space", back in the 1950s. Even tho the story was written so long ago, it is just amazing how accurately he envisioned the future, and how annoying he knew it would become. Cracked me up when I read it. It's a beautiful piece!

Most unfortunately I have to carry one. My wife makes me, and I have kids so I have one more often than I would like to and since I never like to... well you get the picture.

I will have to get the book and read it.
Xue Sheng said:
Yes I have, actually a friend of mine played it when he went to College in Boston.

I kinda sorta played it once myself. Actually it was suppose to be soccer, but it was with a bunch of martial artists, so it ended up more like a cross between Soccer, Rugby, Wrestling and Sparring. It was one of the greatest games I ever played.

Good lad. :asian: One down, 299 million, 999 thousand, 999 to go. I will get round you all. ;)

FC, if you've never been to NZ, it is quite simply the most awe inspiring place I've ever been. My family have been there for a few years, I can think of nowhere better to meet up. Seriously. :)
Kensai said:
Good lad. :asian: One down, 299 million, 999 thousand, 999 to go. I will get round you all. ;)

FC, if you've never been to NZ, it is quite simply the most awe inspiring place I've ever been. My family have been there for a few years, I can think of nowhere better to meet up. Seriously. :)

My father-in-law and step-mother-in-law visited about a year ago and liked it quite a lot. I've been wanting to visit that corner of the globe for years, but haven't made it yet. Airfare is huge to get there. I will tho, give me time...
I read your pros and cons... honestly speaking... if I were you I'd go for it.

Think about it... China has been a closed country for a long time to a majority of western visitors. Now they're not quite so anal about people from the west coming to visit/work in their country. Times they are a changing. I see it as a once in a life-time opportunity to see mainland China.
I've a caver friend who has to go back to mainland China for at least two weeks out of every-year to renew his visa, though he is a student/professor of chemistry here in the states... (U of U).
Whenever he goes he invites us other cavers to join him as he has caver friends there. He says for about 2000.00 bucks you can visit the country for a week and everything is paid for; food, rental car, hotel(s), round-trip air-fare. When I hit that amount in my savings I'm going... that's all there is to it. :D

To work/live there and be able to save up boo-koos of cash/capital for your return home, to see a relatively unknown land and get to know the people intimately, to expand and grow your mind and experiences ... dude... opportunity is knocking.
I think I'd go for it too.

Like Kensai said, I'd rather regret the things I did do in life, than those I didn't.

Beijing looks like an absolutely beautiful place. I envy your opportunity.
OK this is still years away, if it happens at all, but a twist has been added. But first let me reiterate this is still just in the discussion phase and not set in stone.

My wife wants to send our youngest daughter to China for 2 years of school. Basically when she returns her math skills will be very advanced compared to her American classmates and she would be fluent in Chinese (reading and writing). However my wife has decided that it will likely be impossible for her to leave her business her at that time, to many patients may be depending on her. But this means that dad (me) may have to go live in Beijing for 2 years with my daughter and in-laws. Of course I would need to get a job the same as before and the perks would be the same as before except my wife, who is from there, would not be going. Just coming to visit us twice a year.

And the dad going part is all my idea because even though I know my in-laws would take very good care of our daughter, I just think it would be to traumatic for her to be sent there and not have either of us around. Since she would not be fluent in Chinese by then.

So now what do you think?